first night on the new job. Went okay, except for mixing up a couple of the customers
Gimme a break, its my first restaurant job! Everyone in there is irish, and i can hardly understand a word they say anyway, so ya know.
Before that i went through the closet and got rid of a bunch of shit i never use. i love that feeling.
allright well i'm pretty braindead now so its useless for me to try to come up with anything more intelligent to say. I give up.
Oh, yerah, another thing I remember about today was reading the Austin paranormal times. I can't read stuff
like that...It makes my brain go overtime and gives me bad dreams. I'm way too gullible. And some of the stuff in there, its not all that implausible anyway. Maybe there's a conspiracy board somewhere on this site.....I better not look!

Gimme a break, its my first restaurant job! Everyone in there is irish, and i can hardly understand a word they say anyway, so ya know.
Before that i went through the closet and got rid of a bunch of shit i never use. i love that feeling.
allright well i'm pretty braindead now so its useless for me to try to come up with anything more intelligent to say. I give up.
Oh, yerah, another thing I remember about today was reading the Austin paranormal times. I can't read stuff
like that...It makes my brain go overtime and gives me bad dreams. I'm way too gullible. And some of the stuff in there, its not all that implausible anyway. Maybe there's a conspiracy board somewhere on this site.....I better not look!