an online journal...ok sure why not?.
gave blood today and feel considerably slowed down.
the guy who took it was named carlos and cute and i wanted to jump his bones. Vampire fantasies anyone?
But yuck, the blood bus and all the alcohol and gauze and smell of bleach was kind of a turnoff, even if there were latex gloves involved. They smell baaad. I used to smell of those when I came home from working at a daycare, with the diaper-changing. You just can't get rid of the smell dammit.
gave blood today and feel considerably slowed down.
the guy who took it was named carlos and cute and i wanted to jump his bones. Vampire fantasies anyone?
But yuck, the blood bus and all the alcohol and gauze and smell of bleach was kind of a turnoff, even if there were latex gloves involved. They smell baaad. I used to smell of those when I came home from working at a daycare, with the diaper-changing. You just can't get rid of the smell dammit.

welcome!! nice to "meet" ya.
wishing i was that carlos guy.......
so yeah it worked, sorta. Except why do my listings go in one line across the page?? Geez, that looks terrible...No one else's do that! What's WRONG with me? Help me spooky............someone......