Yucky yucky feeling. Wasted day. And then i get all depresso after a night of...
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Today i met another girl i'm working with, neve. She's from dublin and teaches children irish dancing. How cute is that?? She's real sweet and very cute and now i'm a little crushed out.
We talked for about an hour after our shift about how hard it is keeping up long distance relationships. Both of us have boyfriends ( i hate that word!!) living far...
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I always feel weird going back to the town I grew up in - it often feels as if I'm glad I've escaped, that I've started doing something with my life and that they haven't.
An old friend of mine went back and got married - it's weird, it seems he's too good for the place.
Oh well.
Maybe I'm wrong
*Doom de dooooom*
An old friend of mine went back and got married - it's weird, it seems he's too good for the place.
Oh well.
Maybe I'm wrong
*Doom de dooooom*
first night on the new job. Went okay, except for mixing up a couple of the customers
Gimme a break, its my first restaurant job! Everyone in there is irish, and i can hardly understand a word they say anyway, so ya know.
Before that i went through the closet and got rid of a bunch of shit i never use. i love that feeling....
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Gimme a break, its my first restaurant job! Everyone in there is irish, and i can hardly understand a word they say anyway, so ya know.
Before that i went through the closet and got rid of a bunch of shit i never use. i love that feeling....
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an online journal...ok sure why not?.
gave blood today and feel considerably slowed down.
the guy who took it was named carlos and cute and i wanted to jump his bones. Vampire fantasies anyone?
But yuck, the blood bus and all the alcohol and gauze and smell of bleach was kind of a turnoff, even if there were latex gloves involved. They smell baaad. I...
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gave blood today and feel considerably slowed down.
the guy who took it was named carlos and cute and i wanted to jump his bones. Vampire fantasies anyone?
But yuck, the blood bus and all the alcohol and gauze and smell of bleach was kind of a turnoff, even if there were latex gloves involved. They smell baaad. I...
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that worked!
welcome!! nice to "meet" ya.
wishing i was that carlos guy.......

welcome!! nice to "meet" ya.
wishing i was that carlos guy.......
thanks for the warm welcome...nice place ya got here.
so yeah it worked, sorta. Except why do my listings go in one line across the page?? Geez, that looks terrible...No one else's do that! What's WRONG with me? Help me spooky............someone......
so yeah it worked, sorta. Except why do my listings go in one line across the page?? Geez, that looks terrible...No one else's do that! What's WRONG with me? Help me spooky............someone......
you know, i've wanted to become a zen buddhist, but it's too much work.