I saw two really good movies lately. If you haven't seen the new King Kong movie I would highly recommend it. It was really great watching this movie especially with the new 6.1 surround sound A/V receiver system I bought recently with some of my tax return money. I have a projector also so now all I need is a decent couch to complete the home entertainment setup in my living room. I took today off from work to see the second movie at the theater, V for Vendetta. It was really great as I've been hearing from some of you. I can't wait for it to come out on DVD to add to my growing collection. The three day weekend would have been nicer if I didn't have to spend 3 hours on both Saturday and Sunday at work taking part in a dog-n-pony show. At least I hope I can expect some brownie points for being a team player. The weekend did start off great with the surprise birthday party for YonderBoy. It was great that so many people could show up. And there is still time left today that I can do some exercising and some grocery shopping. I'm feeling in the mood for some chili.

dog n pony show? I am so there.
Where ya been?