Yeah its a 3 day weekend
I love long weekends. Actually I would love it even more if I didn't have to work at all but I'll take the long weekends for now. I'm also taking next Friday off so I can look forward to a very short work week and another 3 day weekend after this
I'm definitely planning to see the first showing of Underworld next Friday. I love playing hookey from work and having a theater all to myself. Well I wouldn't mind sharing it with a girl. Has anyone ever had sex in a theater?
I got 5 new movies to add to my growing collection but I'm not sure if I'll watch all of them this weekend or not. But I will definitely be watching the SG DVD that just showed up in the mail.
Last night I walked downtown to The Agenda. I was hoping to meet some of the SGSJ group but wasn't sure who was who there. Not sure how that process works but I'm going to be in SF for the next SGSF event next Friday.

I'm definitely planning to see the first showing of Underworld next Friday. I love playing hookey from work and having a theater all to myself. Well I wouldn't mind sharing it with a girl. Has anyone ever had sex in a theater?
I got 5 new movies to add to my growing collection but I'm not sure if I'll watch all of them this weekend or not. But I will definitely be watching the SG DVD that just showed up in the mail.
Last night I walked downtown to The Agenda. I was hoping to meet some of the SGSJ group but wasn't sure who was who there. Not sure how that process works but I'm going to be in SF for the next SGSF event next Friday.
oh yeah, and you ought to go to the Parkside- the peeps that go on Fridays are awesome. I never can make it as I am in the middle of Happy hour at the resstaurant I work at!
Thank you for the sweet comment on my set.