wahoooooooooooieeee!! last night was some crazy shit, yo!!
i went to the dillinger escape plan/locust/your enemies friends/wrangler brute/all bets off show last night at slim's...wrangler brute was hella funny, they played a pretty good set for someone i'd never heard of...i'd go see them again...your enemies friends weren't that bad...but they were the most low key band on the bill...the locust fuckin' rocked my face off, hardXcore style!!!
nothin' like 'em live, man...i'm tellin' ya...it was great b/c their sound check consisted of a buncha buggie soundin' buzzin' noise 'n' the singers full on screamin' into the mics...none of this "check, check..." bullshit...this was a spectacle to be witnessed only b/c it's hard to describe their kickassness...and they didn't say notta word on stage in between songs, either...that was wonderful...hella musicmanship
the only thing that came remotely close to words was when some guy in the crowd yelled out for them to play a certain song 'n' the bassist simply said "shhh" 'n' then they went on their merry playin' way...and dillinger escape plan was great as well...would've been enough to throw someone into a seizure if they were there...not the music, but they had the strobes on for a good while...mainly 3/4 of their set was like that...quality bands, them two ::nodding::
i had bought my friend jaasen a ticket online so he paid me back as soon as we met up 'n' i put the 20 in my right pocket...he had suggested beers (since they were ONLY [hahaha] 3.50 for the night) and i told him i'd buy the second round...but while i was fishin' for my 20, i had found that i'd lost it...i was so bummed...i'd emptied everything outta my pockets onto the bar 'n' then jaasen offered to pay so i embarassingly accepted...i pouted throughout the first few sips of my 2nd beer thinkin' about where and when i could've lost it: while i was givin' jaasen 2$ change, while i was fishin' out money for the coat check (which, btw, is now 1.25, people...be sure to not bring excess shit to a show next time)...mebbe it slipped out...but then zack had pointed out that i'd put it in my pocket and that was the last he saw of it 'n' lo 'n' behold...i put my hand in there 'n' feel the fuckin' bill...i got so angry, i threw it on the ground 'n' stomped on it...so i bought the 3rd beer 'n' then we went onna journey home...or so we thought...
we got to the transbay terminal only to find out that we hadda wait outside...onna soggy cement bench for over an hour for the frickin' n...when it gor there, we'd made it to oakland just in time to catch the 51 back to jaasen's house 'n' then kinda dicked around...it was nearly two by the time we got there 'n' it was almost four by the time we'd gotten a cab back to zack's...i totally didn't wake up until about twenty minutes ago, either ('n' it's twenty after one)...
...let's hear it for sleepin' in ::cheering::
highly recommend seein' the show for anyone that happens to be in the other areas in which they're playin' together...if you can't catch them together, then definitely go see them seperately...it's worth the fuckin' wait 'n' the money
gluing carpet to your genials does not make you a cantaloupe
i went to the dillinger escape plan/locust/your enemies friends/wrangler brute/all bets off show last night at slim's...wrangler brute was hella funny, they played a pretty good set for someone i'd never heard of...i'd go see them again...your enemies friends weren't that bad...but they were the most low key band on the bill...the locust fuckin' rocked my face off, hardXcore style!!!

i had bought my friend jaasen a ticket online so he paid me back as soon as we met up 'n' i put the 20 in my right pocket...he had suggested beers (since they were ONLY [hahaha] 3.50 for the night) and i told him i'd buy the second round...but while i was fishin' for my 20, i had found that i'd lost it...i was so bummed...i'd emptied everything outta my pockets onto the bar 'n' then jaasen offered to pay so i embarassingly accepted...i pouted throughout the first few sips of my 2nd beer thinkin' about where and when i could've lost it: while i was givin' jaasen 2$ change, while i was fishin' out money for the coat check (which, btw, is now 1.25, people...be sure to not bring excess shit to a show next time)...mebbe it slipped out...but then zack had pointed out that i'd put it in my pocket and that was the last he saw of it 'n' lo 'n' behold...i put my hand in there 'n' feel the fuckin' bill...i got so angry, i threw it on the ground 'n' stomped on it...so i bought the 3rd beer 'n' then we went onna journey home...or so we thought...
we got to the transbay terminal only to find out that we hadda wait outside...onna soggy cement bench for over an hour for the frickin' n...when it gor there, we'd made it to oakland just in time to catch the 51 back to jaasen's house 'n' then kinda dicked around...it was nearly two by the time we got there 'n' it was almost four by the time we'd gotten a cab back to zack's...i totally didn't wake up until about twenty minutes ago, either ('n' it's twenty after one)...
...let's hear it for sleepin' in ::cheering::
highly recommend seein' the show for anyone that happens to be in the other areas in which they're playin' together...if you can't catch them together, then definitely go see them seperately...it's worth the fuckin' wait 'n' the money

gluing carpet to your genials does not make you a cantaloupe

god jenn you talk ALOT! SHUDDUP!! oh yeah and i cant post all the pics from the set so i guess ill elt you see when i see you ...and theres a computer.....yeah...there you go, yeah. right in the face.