alright, just a brief entry entailin' what i hadn't had the chance to submit before:
a couple of weekends ago, zack 'n' i went to chico to visit his sister, ms. bee, fer her b-day 'n' hadn't planned on partyin' out on the first night!! we'd headed over to a friend's house after completin' jello shots 'n' i played fuck the dealer in which i got severely fucked...and i swore that since joss's 18th, i'd never do natty ice again...but that's all these fools had for the game, so i was stuck w/it...two cans, a jello shot 'n' one fat bong rip later, i was in the bathroom for a good five or so minutes lettin' everything make it's exit the wrong way...i didn't know that zack was literally two steps behind me when i'd told him my tummy didn't feel too good 'n' he took up residence in the 2nd bathroom...i felt bad for us two outta towners b/c we couldn't hang...we're not really drinkers, though...just mainly smokers, so that's what did us in...well, what did HIM in was the six jello shots that he downed one after the other with no pause ::shaking head:: poor kid...'n' thus, we got reminded again of why we we're not really big on alcohol consumption...'course, everything in moderation, right??
onna happier note, nuclear rabbit's playin' tomorrow night at imusicast in oakland...if you know anyone that's gotta great internet connection, you too can be at the show with us, rockin' out in yer livin' room...or wherever yer computer is
alright, just a brief entry entailin' what i hadn't had the chance to submit before:
a couple of weekends ago, zack 'n' i went to chico to visit his sister, ms. bee, fer her b-day 'n' hadn't planned on partyin' out on the first night!! we'd headed over to a friend's house after completin' jello shots 'n' i played fuck the dealer in which i got severely fucked...and i swore that since joss's 18th, i'd never do natty ice again...but that's all these fools had for the game, so i was stuck w/it...two cans, a jello shot 'n' one fat bong rip later, i was in the bathroom for a good five or so minutes lettin' everything make it's exit the wrong way...i didn't know that zack was literally two steps behind me when i'd told him my tummy didn't feel too good 'n' he took up residence in the 2nd bathroom...i felt bad for us two outta towners b/c we couldn't hang...we're not really drinkers, though...just mainly smokers, so that's what did us in...well, what did HIM in was the six jello shots that he downed one after the other with no pause ::shaking head:: poor kid...'n' thus, we got reminded again of why we we're not really big on alcohol consumption...'course, everything in moderation, right??
onna happier note, nuclear rabbit's playin' tomorrow night at imusicast in oakland...if you know anyone that's gotta great internet connection, you too can be at the show with us, rockin' out in yer livin' room...or wherever yer computer is

will do
dude, i KNOW you!