I'm soooo getting this shirt.
OUCH... Last night I attempted to break-up a bar fight that involved a friend. I ended up getting an elbow to the face, just shy of directly to the eye. Hurt like a mo-fo last night, but thank goodness this morning the swelling is minimal. The last thing I needed was a black-eye this week!
This morning I watched my DVR recording of the Colbert Report, and they had a segment on Human + Robot Love - the researcher who wrote the book "Love and Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships " (David Levy) stated that mankind will begin having sex with robots in 5 years, and full-blown emotional relationships with robots in 40 years. I'm a little taken back by this! What if a robot can satisfy my lovers better than I can? What if these robots are programmed to be the ultimate Don Juan???
ps. sorry bout the eye