So today I've completed my filling of the "missing holes" in my New Year's Eve celebrations!
I partied too hard that night and the next morning could remember very little of what transpired! But thanks to my friends, I now have eyewitness reports from multiple reliable sources that confirm I consumed the following (in no particular order):
3 - Vodka & Tonics
2 - Rum & Diet Cokes
2 - "grape fizz" shots
6 - Cranberry & Vodkas
1 - foo-foo martini (I was so drunk I began drinking some other girl's drink)
3 - glasses of champagne
Needless to say, I was a mess the next morning. Who's bright idea was it to mix drinks, anyway?
Highlight of the evening - making out with a 2 different ladies that evening. Unfortunately, my memory is a solid blur-at-best regarding this topic, but my sources tell me I enjoyed it.
Also, I apparently got flashed and gave the girl some beads afterwards. Which raises a new question - where did I get beads from in the first place?
Low point of the evening - on the way home, I apparently stopped and peed on the side of some apartment building. I really, really, really hate it when guys stop and just visibly pee wherever they want... and now I've suddenly become one!?!
I partied too hard that night and the next morning could remember very little of what transpired! But thanks to my friends, I now have eyewitness reports from multiple reliable sources that confirm I consumed the following (in no particular order):
3 - Vodka & Tonics
2 - Rum & Diet Cokes
2 - "grape fizz" shots
6 - Cranberry & Vodkas
1 - foo-foo martini (I was so drunk I began drinking some other girl's drink)
3 - glasses of champagne
Needless to say, I was a mess the next morning. Who's bright idea was it to mix drinks, anyway?

Highlight of the evening - making out with a 2 different ladies that evening. Unfortunately, my memory is a solid blur-at-best regarding this topic, but my sources tell me I enjoyed it.

Low point of the evening - on the way home, I apparently stopped and peed on the side of some apartment building. I really, really, really hate it when guys stop and just visibly pee wherever they want... and now I've suddenly become one!?!

You're pretty, and I shall call you: Mrs Hawaii!!!!
(good luck w/ that!)
Once I get past, oh, 2-3 drinks... all bets are off. I'll just drink, doesn't matter what.
Apparently we never learn from our mistakes. I thank the gods daily that we as humans evolved with an opposable thumb... so that I can hold the glass tightly when the room starts to spin!