tonite i took a bath in the lavendar oils and lit up a nat sherman, an oly stubby in the other hand.. the candle burnt out and i sat thinking in the dark, with occasional glow of the cigarette ember.. i then realized it to be the first moment i felt alone in quite awhile.. i always have someone around me or i always have...
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update my journal.. update it.. update.. up...



i saw hyapatia lake play at re-bar tonite..
cool stuff .. kinda space-rock-ish.. and some weird jazz fusion rock band after them.. they actually we're pretty good too.. plan to set up a show with hyapatia lake..

drinking a newcastle right now.. typing this..

listened to ugly cassanova a few times today...
"awe shey shaw -...
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commenting in my own journal...

i just looked at the top of my screen and realized how sexy debra jean is..

yes yes yes..
once in awhile everything will coincide and work out just perfectly.. i sense this coming toward me...
i slept for 12 hours.. it was wonderfulllllll..
the previous night i could not sleep.. being so damn hot it was in my apartment.. and i was thinking and worrying like usual cancerians do.. the combination of that kept me awake for 38 hours... i feel relieved mind and body... yay!
if you are in seattle, what are you doing up now?
i sleep intermittenly.. sort of a sleep disorder i suppose, but sometimes i sleep really long to make up for it ..
i can't bump angelene off my favorites but i have to say rosalyn should be there too...
i'm complaining cause it's hot in my apartment.. i ate ice cream.. that did nothing.. i'm wearing no clothes.. that did nothing.. the windows are open.. the fan is on.. it's late and i can't sleep.. and now i am wondering if someone at the apartment complex across from me has binoculars and is looking at me while i sit naked looking at suicide girls.....
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who cares.... just think of it like this.... if they see you naked, and you can't seen them... adhere to the emu principle.... stick your head in the sand and make like they can't see you because you cant see them.... and just enjoy it....

besides.... some nights you just cant sleep
in a better mood today.. except i'm sick but that's alright.. i'll just sit here and look at suicide girls..
musicwerks caught on fire.. the sprinkler systems turned on.. leaked into my practice space down below.. drenched my equipment.. and now kicking myself for not having renter's insurance.. a new amp would've been nice.. afraid to plug anything in yet, might bridge some circuitry if it isn't dry.. damn.
today felt really great to do absolutely nothing..
how i spent my day off:
for awhile i enjoyed looking at all the suicide girls.. had some thai food .. sat in the sun (in seattle woohoo!) at volunteer park and took notice of the mountains.. and now back here typing this and having a whiskey sour.. yay.
so the other night i saw hells belles at the capitol hill block party in seattle.. they covered ac/dc pretty well.. caught a bit of ursula and the androids just before them and that was pretty cool too..
then my band hopped on the road and played a show in olympia and the other band we played with was anna sabin & blue lotus.. as...
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