tonite i play at i-spy in seattle with my band elysian...
see: http://www.elysiangoa.net
..we are going on tour this week and next week, through portland, eugene, reno, oakland, san francisco, sacramento.. hooray!
i had to work today.. couldn't get away.. wanted to go out and play..
but i took a break and listened to a great show.. they broadcasted sonic youth if you'd like to know.. done hooked my cd burner into the radio..
yay now time to listen and stop rhyming..
i'm playing at cafe venus - mars bar tonight, but i get the feeling most people will be going to bumbershoot shows this weekend... i'm going to miss sonic youth and blonde redhead.. damn work.. maybe i can escape for a few hours.. you won't tell will ya?
been trying to invoke a mood.. listening to this cd over and over (the for carnation - self titled).. and the whiskey is all gone.
a cool site to check out:
not long from now i will be on the road for a few shows with my band Elysian ... check out our website for a town near you: http://www.elysiangoa.net
been writing some music (though mostly just in my head recently) .. i have been trying to complete an album worth of music i've been working on the past few years .. it's difficult when it comes from my own thoughts and not my bandmates (i can easily critique what they are doing - and if it sounds good or not - but when it...
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Hot Snakes are X- Drive Like Jehu folks. I love both bands (DLJ & HS) equally though...
I just recently got into Godspeed too-
Seen the name for years, it just took a while to dig in. GYBE has may side projects worth checking out...my fave is "Do May Say Think" The are AMAZING- I'm sure you will like. They have a new record available through Southern, and are touring soon- you may want to hit that up!
Oh, www.hotsnakes.com is KILLER! check it out too...
oh yeah..
drive like jehu.. i thought the name hot snakes had a familiar ring to it.. i lived in san diego a long time and miss a lot of those bands.. truman's water.. creedle.. 3mile pilot.. clikitat ikatowi.. physics.. boilermaker.. tristeza.. powerdresser.. day called zero.. chune..
yeah i'll have to check out the southern webpage.. curious about a few tours i've heard may be going on..
itching for the road as well... september looks good so far..
tonite i took a bath in the lavendar oils and lit up a nat sherman, an oly stubby in the other hand.. the candle burnt out and i sat thinking in the dark, with occasional glow of the cigarette ember.. i then realized it to be the first moment i felt alone in quite awhile.. i always have someone around me or i always have...
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update my journal.. update it.. update.. up...



i saw hyapatia lake play at re-bar tonite..
cool stuff .. kinda space-rock-ish.. and some weird jazz fusion rock band after them.. they actually we're pretty good too.. plan to set up a show with hyapatia lake..

drinking a newcastle right now.. typing this..

listened to ugly cassanova a few times today...
"awe shey shaw -...
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commenting in my own journal...

i just looked at the top of my screen and realized how sexy debra jean is..

yes yes yes..
once in awhile everything will coincide and work out just perfectly.. i sense this coming toward me...
i slept for 12 hours.. it was wonderfulllllll..
the previous night i could not sleep.. being so damn hot it was in my apartment.. and i was thinking and worrying like usual cancerians do.. the combination of that kept me awake for 38 hours... i feel relieved mind and body... yay!
if you are in seattle, what are you doing up now?
i sleep intermittenly.. sort of a sleep disorder i suppose, but sometimes i sleep really long to make up for it ..
i can't bump angelene off my favorites but i have to say rosalyn should be there too...
i'm complaining cause it's hot in my apartment.. i ate ice cream.. that did nothing.. i'm wearing no clothes.. that did nothing.. the windows are open.. the fan is on.. it's late and i can't sleep.. and now i am wondering if someone at the apartment complex across from me has binoculars and is looking at me while i sit naked looking at suicide girls.....
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who cares.... just think of it like this.... if they see you naked, and you can't seen them... adhere to the emu principle.... stick your head in the sand and make like they can't see you because you cant see them.... and just enjoy it....

besides.... some nights you just cant sleep