can't stand this cage
cause there's nowhere to fly to
my future's been canceled
my past's just a lie
you say do it alone
i'm trying like hell
to rise up from the ashes
be somebody else
shout my rage from the rooftops
and burn down this shelf
but you smile from the gallery
ringing a bell
and i jump and i've jumped
but the...
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it's weird how sad you can feel when you don't have any money.
feeling a little blue today.. low on money and charisma.. fortunately i like the color blue, even figuratively - gives me a sense to get out of this.. and to appreciate when everything does seem to be going great.. just need to look past all this haze..
sick again... can't make it to work today!
damn i wish.
gotta rough it and go anyway..
figured i'd check in here as the 1st coat dries..
today i'm painting my television.
black and white stripes (except for the screen)..
not sure why... but it looks better already...

it's just after 4am .. insomnia like usual .. but it's my day off and i might sleep the daylight hours if i don't feel like i'm wasting my valueable time in order to...
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went and saw friend drew victor at i-spy tonite..
i always seem to miss the beginning of his set due to working evenings.. as always, they sounded great - of what songs i heard..

also discovered the sounds of primrosa .. sonic textures and ringing guitars w/ female vocals..
it was beautiful and rocking as well...
went to see the gossip and the turn-ons at graceland the other night.. hot damn that was
fun! i can't believe i don't have the gossip's album
..must pickup a copy this week..
yes finally..
tuesday brings a new black heart procession cd
..i can't wait.
the new b.h.p. cd is beautiful.. was well worth the wait.
looking forward to seeing them next month at the showbox..

also just saw a flyer for legendary pink dots at graceland next month.. should be interesting - i guess they'll have some new members as last i remember ryan moore left the band..
just got back from tour.. met some great people along the way.. had a great show with the epoxies and the von steins in eugene.. san fran had an excellent crowd as well .. good to be back but i left part of me on the road....
today i'm listening to mogwai.. arab strap.. carissa's wierd..
looking out the window at the fall sky..
my student cancelled on me - no bass lesson today..
heading to the space to record something i think..
it ought to be stellar..