I'm back from L.A. and I had a great time at the conference, although I haven't walked so much since I was 17 and working at a theme park. I won't bore you with the details, but it was five days of non-stop awesome. That is to say, Siggraph was awesome. I was not as taken with the city of Los Angeles and I don't plan on moving there anytime soon, regardless of the kind of work they have. I did manage to see Star Wars Clone Wars at a special event out there and for all you who are thinking of seeing it, don't. I've already commented on Lucas and what he's doing to his legacy and this movie doesn't help.
I know said I won't bore you with the details, but I am going to add a list of highlights anyway.
I know said I won't bore you with the details, but I am going to add a list of highlights anyway.
How was the VFX panel on Cloverfield? That sounds like the most fun thing to me