I Meet Alan Tudyk today!

If you don't know who he is, he played Wash on Firefly and Serenity.
While I was waiting, I drew this in honor of all my nerdy unwashed bretheren

By the way, that's the shirt I was wearing today (although, I did not wear it tucked-in to my jeans. I am marginally cooler than that)
It was awesome!

If you don't know who he is, he played Wash on Firefly and Serenity.
While I was waiting, I drew this in honor of all my nerdy unwashed bretheren

By the way, that's the shirt I was wearing today (although, I did not wear it tucked-in to my jeans. I am marginally cooler than that)

It was awesome!
I HATE YOU...dammit man...thats WASH for god sake...this is a fine land...we will prosper here...ahhh curse your obvious and enevitable betrayal!!...damn man..wash...you met wash...i am all a green...but i dont think its envy i think its just the gamma rays
to bad the rest of the cast wasnt there...i wouldnt mind meeting some of the lovely women of firefly *evil grin*