so a few days ago i gave blood almost 24 hours later whilst out an about i fainted an couldnt remember what had happened..... it was super embarrassing seeing as i was falling i crashed into my friends wheelchair face 1st then hitting the pavement .... with loads of people around to see.... its been a few days since an i am still having issues with getting very lightheaded dizzy and weak ....
I'm starting to think its more then just giving blood that there is some other reason this keeps happening to me and giving blood just set it off.
i dont have the best luck when it comes to my health so im praying its nothing too serious
please send good vibes this way its much appreciated. <3
I'm starting to think its more then just giving blood that there is some other reason this keeps happening to me and giving blood just set it off.
i dont have the best luck when it comes to my health so im praying its nothing too serious
please send good vibes this way its much appreciated. <3
xo little lady.
iron deficiency? Hope you feel better.