I leave tommorow for mine dave and greg's roadtrip across the USA to New York. I think I wanna call it the Pre-Fade Crusade.
Pre-Fade is when you get faded then go out becausre its cheaper to drink at home
those of you broke bastards may be familiar with this tactic but Im not broke, I just spend way too much money on alcohol
Ill post where to find our live updates and statistics for our roadtrip next time im here [;
Pre-Fade is when you get faded then go out becausre its cheaper to drink at home
those of you broke bastards may be familiar with this tactic but Im not broke, I just spend way too much money on alcohol
Ill post where to find our live updates and statistics for our roadtrip next time im here [;
Hello there... I was just reading randomly on the photography group page and came across some of your work and a request of your for more friends. Well, I won't ask to be your friend just yet because I'm too shy to do it on the first post, but i did find your work to be pretty amazing! drop by my journal some time and say hi, post more in your journal, and always post more work
it's beautiful.

Well, hello again. It's just me the girl from down the hall
Well, across the US actually. Are you back from your trip yet?? I see your comment to your journal that it was great but?? You leave us all hanging here. Don't leave us in suspence. Post some trip pics or tell us a story.
to hear one