Ithink im going to write a daily haiku. heres my 1st crappy one.
Dark Sea of faces
I swim amongst them, and yet
nothing within fears.
boy thats bad. lets try again.
I'll Have a Spaten.
That will be five dollars sir
Thank you very much.
Thats much better. Another you say?
Where did I put that?
I can never find my smokes
god damn...
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Dark Sea of faces
I swim amongst them, and yet
nothing within fears.
boy thats bad. lets try again.
I'll Have a Spaten.
That will be five dollars sir
Thank you very much.
Thats much better. Another you say?
Where did I put that?
I can never find my smokes
god damn...
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where are you been ???

MY last post is way old. anyways PSP TIME!
thanks for commenting on the set! i really enjoy 100% cotton panites... is that weird? i guess i am pretty boring..
I just finished speaker for the dead, I have xenocide ready to go but i am listening to music and rereading the conversation with pam I had last night.
I am so glad I have been blessed to know a few really great people, it makes things alot more bearable that theres other people who really are smart and good even if they cant help...
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I am so glad I have been blessed to know a few really great people, it makes things alot more bearable that theres other people who really are smart and good even if they cant help...
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nope i;m in new york. but i will see lewis at san diego ocomicon
hey i'm, not commenting any more in that denis leary thread, i said my piece and thats it. but it is good to see you in there
Been a long time since I rock and rolled.....
So whats up?
I REALLY need to shave I bought razors but eh
For some reason Ive been having bad days lately. I cant figure it out. I just fuckin get depressed and cant figure the fuck out WHY?!?!?!??
zoe might have been shot with a bb
Im getting fuckin sick of work at SB...
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So whats up?
I REALLY need to shave I bought razors but eh
For some reason Ive been having bad days lately. I cant figure it out. I just fuckin get depressed and cant figure the fuck out WHY?!?!?!??
zoe might have been shot with a bb
Im getting fuckin sick of work at SB...
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MWAH! thankyou! 

I am clean i washed myself. feels good
I got my lit brite working i put some in a set so check em out
I got my lit brite working i put some in a set so check em out
Why am I in such a horrible mood? Im anxious and lonely for no pinpointable reason. I hate this. theres no reason I should be in this mood. I feel like crying and its pissing me off because I feel like I dont have a good enough reason.
I have the next 3 days off, I just got back from vegas yesterday. I need to...
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I have the next 3 days off, I just got back from vegas yesterday. I need to...
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When I am in bad moods for no reason I go and smash plates. It makes me feel better. Just make sure they're the crap old ones you won't miss. It's kinda fun- scares children and animals though.
thank you
I know these feelings, i'm feeling the same these last times

I know these feelings, i'm feeling the same these last times

The light I bought for my lite brite wasnt bright enough (2 watts) so I bought a 4 watt and well see how it goes tonight.
Becca & Carolyn are in chicago and dave is in school which means I have no one to hang out with or smoke cigs with ;[
Last night I climbed onto the ledge on my apt to smoke a...
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Becca & Carolyn are in chicago and dave is in school which means I have no one to hang out with or smoke cigs with ;[
Last night I climbed onto the ledge on my apt to smoke a...
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Aussie is wearing a SLIP! Now you know.
Aussie is wearing a SLIP! Now you know.
Getting drunk always leaves me awake early and with no breakfast.
So other than work going extremely well what the fuck else is happenin, We were supposed to goto the burlesque show in SF last night but it sold out ;[ so we just got drunk at daves house. mmmm wait a sec Ima gonna have a smoke ill be right...bak
ok now that...
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Getting drunk always leaves me awake early and with no breakfast.
So other than work going extremely well what the fuck else is happenin, We were supposed to goto the burlesque show in SF last night but it sold out ;[ so we just got drunk at daves house. mmmm wait a sec Ima gonna have a smoke ill be right...bak
ok now that...
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Looks like a big night. Will always go for the extra whip on your advice from now on. It better be good your reputation is at steak!
Well Ive been back from my trip for a week or 2. Ive been working at the new starbucks down the way and it fuckin is so much better than my last store....for gods sake I hope my old boss fuckin runs into a sliding glass door and gets a little sense knocked into him.
Well the trip the trip. for now ill just list...
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Well the trip the trip. for now ill just list...
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oh and the JC thing is super funny, super funny cus my best friend in the wholel world... ha...thinks the same thinf.... check this out....
clicky here mr. soy
clicky here mr. soy
wow, you make me a lesbian latte! I'm coming over!