Pretty late for a "school night."
Got back from Maui a couple hours ago.. did I mention I got my left incisor tooth knocked out the first day of surfing? It's okay, I got it replaced... my little sister's board smacked me in the face when she let it fly (grr!), but I kept on surfing after I lost that tooth... and then went and got a fake one put in afterward. Hah. I'll post some before and after pictures up whenI get some time.
Tomorrow (today, technically) I'm visiting UCSC and staying the night til Wednesday. Gotta go check it out and decide on my dorm, etc.
I am totally stoked by the fact that Burningman happens before UCSC starts.... I missed last year, 'n that made me tres sad because my girlfriend got to go without me (the 'rents wouldn't pay for it and I had no money since I had just returned from summer living in Tokyo, plus I was so damn culture shocked, going from Japan to home to Burningman and home again probably would have made my head explode).
Hopefully I'll get a summer job with Guerilla PR, otherwise I'll probably end up at a bookstore or a coffee shop.. which wouldn't actually be so bad, but I don't think it'd pay too well... A couple weeks work before I could afford the full price Bman ticket. Maybe I should see about volunteering.. then I can get a volunteer rate ticket...
Got back from Maui a couple hours ago.. did I mention I got my left incisor tooth knocked out the first day of surfing? It's okay, I got it replaced... my little sister's board smacked me in the face when she let it fly (grr!), but I kept on surfing after I lost that tooth... and then went and got a fake one put in afterward. Hah. I'll post some before and after pictures up whenI get some time.
Tomorrow (today, technically) I'm visiting UCSC and staying the night til Wednesday. Gotta go check it out and decide on my dorm, etc.
I am totally stoked by the fact that Burningman happens before UCSC starts.... I missed last year, 'n that made me tres sad because my girlfriend got to go without me (the 'rents wouldn't pay for it and I had no money since I had just returned from summer living in Tokyo, plus I was so damn culture shocked, going from Japan to home to Burningman and home again probably would have made my head explode).
Hopefully I'll get a summer job with Guerilla PR, otherwise I'll probably end up at a bookstore or a coffee shop.. which wouldn't actually be so bad, but I don't think it'd pay too well... A couple weeks work before I could afford the full price Bman ticket. Maybe I should see about volunteering.. then I can get a volunteer rate ticket...
If you're too broke for a $250 ticket you should try and apply for a "low income" ticket for $145. There is an application process that you can find on the ticket info page. They claim there are still tickets available at this level. . .
I hope your trip to santa cruz is a blast. Go romp in the redwoods for me