Finally worked out the bugs to renew my account
It was about time, too. I'd try to renew and it said my account didn't exist; I'd try to make a new account of the same name and it said it was taken. Help desk got around to me and I'm back in.
Last week was good.. interviewed Minipop Wednesday night and got to see them play with Rainer Maria. Friday night, hung out with 2 Japanese girls from Fukuoka and got to practice my Japanese, then went to the Pretty Girls Make Graves show at Cafe Du Nord. Saturday night I saw Shonen Knife at Slim's and got to interview them after the show. Submissions for the zine are going well. Paolo submitted a hilarious article about internet networking and Nats gave me a good one on Jackie-O vs. Karen-O. Excellent. Things are coming together.
Sadly all this good news is being overshadowed by the fact that I got waitlisted by Reed. This basically means no financial aid. Most likely I'll be at UCSC next year, then, and perhaps transfer to Reed after my first year there. Sadface.

Last week was good.. interviewed Minipop Wednesday night and got to see them play with Rainer Maria. Friday night, hung out with 2 Japanese girls from Fukuoka and got to practice my Japanese, then went to the Pretty Girls Make Graves show at Cafe Du Nord. Saturday night I saw Shonen Knife at Slim's and got to interview them after the show. Submissions for the zine are going well. Paolo submitted a hilarious article about internet networking and Nats gave me a good one on Jackie-O vs. Karen-O. Excellent. Things are coming together.
Sadly all this good news is being overshadowed by the fact that I got waitlisted by Reed. This basically means no financial aid. Most likely I'll be at UCSC next year, then, and perhaps transfer to Reed after my first year there. Sadface.
I'm very sorry.