see this? THIS is why i do what i do. THIS is why i offer advice, THIS is why I help so much. THIS is why i care so much and cannot let anyone be sad. I know I cannot save the world but I will try my hardest to never let those I love EVER FEEL THIS WAY. I cried as I watched this bc no one deserves to be alone ever... Everyday I wake up to messages, text etc from people thanking me that I help on a daily basis. . I want to help every person I can bc I have a fucking heart and when I see this IT KILLS ME. Offer a stranger a smile, listen to each other, be there for each other and learn to toss aside greed just stop and help each other DAMNIT. If you ever EVER EVERRRRRRRRRR feel this way message me please!
I have come across several videos like this, mainly through my tumblr. There is so much pain in the world, especially among the youth. It really breaks my heart.
More people should be like you.. this world wouldn't be that hard.