So now everyone really knows and I mean really, really knows why I'm a Marty hater.....

Yeah, I'm the first guy , probably the only guy, to start chanting to pull him when i'm at the games. Started last year when he came back from the injury and Clemer was looking flippin' fantastic. Last night after his belly flop, which gave good ole Team USA...
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I'm not keeping up with Olympic hockey or with the Olympics in geberal.. I'm a Summer Olympics guy. I did see a headline having to do with Brodeur, but didn't read the article. It probably had to do with what you're talking about.

Speaking of bobbleheads. I was visiting my daughter the summer before last in North Carolina. I attended a minor league baseball game of one of the White Sox affiliates. They had Ozzie Guillen's (the Sox manager) bobble head to advertise the next night's promotion of giving away his bbblehead doll.

Since I was leaving the next morning, I asked the lady in the booth if I could have the display sample after the game because I was a huge Sox fan and wouldn't be there the next night. She gave it to me. So I'd like to think that I was the first person in the state to possess the the doll.
Hey, buddy. I was trying to check out your new pics, but wasn't able to access them. Maybe you can do something to correct that.

I hope all is well.
more snow on the way. as much as a mess it makes I'm kinda hoping we get pounded and I can "work from home" tomorrow. hope everyone is staying warm out there!
We got a few inches here in Windsor last night into this morning. Looks like I left the NY-NJ area just in time. I missed the snow from a few days ago too.
I heard you guys got dumped on.
from the high desert of vegas, to the seaside... not sunny, cold and snowy. but thank goodness i flew in yesterday, beating the storm and getting to go to the Devils game this evening (thus, the late night post)

Game was kinda crazy, heart breaker until about 6 minutes to go in the third and the boys were down 3-1. Pounded one in and that...
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I hear you about beating the storm. My flight was the last one out before they closed the airport, (see blog).

The Devils game sounds so exciting. I wish I'd seen it. Have a great weekend.
Dude, I was thinking of writing to you, after the first 57 minutes. THEN, thought twice about it after the final 3 minutes...
They have a habit of shitting the bed.
Trip to Vegas tomorrow! But it's a work trip..... hours of my life drifting on by while dealing with all the headaches that come along with air travel, going to a meeting that I could have dialed in for, but hey, it's Vegas, so cool!!!!! first trip of two to make out there this month. however, the next trip is a mini-vacation, which is going...
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I've only been to Vegas once. Annette and I went in 2003. Even though we saw several shows, ate like pigs, toured almost all the hotels and gambled, it sucked, mostly because I was sick for almost the whole trip.

A suggestion. Never fly when you're sick. My flight back home was torture. Fortunately, it takes a lot less time to come back from Vegas than to go there.

In spite of my story, I'm sure you'll have a great time.
Squeeze in some recreation whilst out there.
sorry folks that i've been such a slacker on my blog.... it's not that i don't want to write, just been busy.... two nights of moe. in NYC, Devils games and of course work... hope everyone is smiling!!!!!
No need to make excuses for havig a life. Enjoy your time in NYC.
One more day to go.... come on end of the work week!!!! Heading to the Devils game tomorrow night! My boyz have been playing great of late but bummed that my fav player Clarkson is out again. Broke something in his leg, was out 4 weeks, came back and played about 6 minutes and has been back on the injury list. Just came back to...
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It's pretty Brrr up here too.
Have fun at the game.
The cold makes me so tired. I'm afraid the worst is yet to come.

It's true that the Devils are playing well. What does that say about my Blackhawks?
Boo on Monday's! Especially after a long weekend, think the folks at my office all made work related new year's resolutions. ugg! But I can't be to hard on them, half the battle today was stopping myself from hitting snooze another time... coupled with horribly cold and windy weather down here at the shore. why can't we all win the lotto and move to Maui?...
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Thanks. I'm planning to have the time of my life.
Thanks. I'll update that post ...
Oh how 2010 has started out so nicely. Nice long four day weekend from the office. Ringing in the New Year hanging out with the girlie at her place low key the way we like to do. Basically bummed around the house yesterday watching the NHL's Outdoor Winter Classic and a little football. And I should be cleaning up around my house today but keep...
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I agree. The Blackhawks are looking really good. They won again last night. Do i dare say the words, "Stanley Cup?"

I hope your world continues to go in a positive direction in the coming year and beyond. You've been a consistently supportive friend to me. I really appreciate that.
hours driving in the rain and wind, but I'm home and at least just about all the snow is gone
The wind is howling and the rain keeps coming down in buckets. This really sucks.
Yeah, we had the pissing down rain up here too.
I just wanna be... just wanna be what I am, but that's not what they want,...... or maybe it's my bad perception.... yeah I'm loud some times, but I'm also that quiet guy too! sorry to disappoint the cool one!

thank gawd for SG land!!!!!!!!
Be who you are.
I hear you. SG is a place I can be myself and not worry too much about being judged. My life is rapidly changing. Soon, although not soon enough, I hope to be with a woman who will fulfill all of my hopes, dreams and fantasies.

For this to happen at this stage of my life is beyond amazing. Should this actually become reality, I'll be the luckiest man on the face of the earth.

I want to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a merry Christmas and a healthy and happy new year.
Another weekend come and almost gone. Been working like a mad man for the past few weeks, thus the reason why I've been MIA from SG land.... However, there is light at the end of the tunnel.... got the thumbs up from my division VP for the work I've been doing on Friday and tomorrow I have a brief with the division president and if...
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Good luck. Based on how hard you're working, you deserve to succeeed.

My focus has been on my relationship with my Kathy. Our feelings for each other grow stronger with each passing day.

oh how the time seems to fly on by. seems like just yesterday it was spring time and I was looking forward to the summer. now the holidays are creeping up rather quick, been going to hockey games and NOT enjoying the cold weather. i keep fighting it in my own Thoreau and Emerson way, by refusing to break out the warmer clothes quite yet smile

We didn't really have a summer this year. The holidays, especially Thanksgiving is really rough for me. It's an especially lonely time without Annette.

I hope nothing happens to spoil my new relationship. I do believe this is the real thing. Based on my most recent relationship, I've been proven wrong before.

How about those Blackhawks?
We make our own reality, so it isn't really winter until you think it is...
