Hey, my friend list is growing and thats always fun. Trying to root myself in this community.
Things are looking up the past few days, because I choose. If you really look at everything like this is it, nothing is better, everything is beautiful. I just finished this book called Hardcore Zen by Brad Warner. About a ohio punk rocker who moves to japan and works for the movie productin company that made the old godzilla movies. He takes up zen buddism in college and I can really relate to his story. Good buy.
I noticed a good part of the movie, Anchorman (even though Will Ferrell is a one character actor) when the mentally challenged weatherman guy looks around saying how he loves carpet, loves lamp. It is a very healthy buddist way of looking at things, we should love everything the same, because it is all the same.
I was at Denny's and my friend made the anology of how two people having sex(or making love, baby), is just like two space particles rubbing together and out pops another particle in 9 months. Because if you really look at it, we are just space particles on a large sphere flying though a vast amount of space. Why is all this anger, sadness, and petty drama that big of a deal? It isn't and it can't rain everyday. I hope I made your brain hurt by reading this, because it certainly did for me.
Things are looking up the past few days, because I choose. If you really look at everything like this is it, nothing is better, everything is beautiful. I just finished this book called Hardcore Zen by Brad Warner. About a ohio punk rocker who moves to japan and works for the movie productin company that made the old godzilla movies. He takes up zen buddism in college and I can really relate to his story. Good buy.
I noticed a good part of the movie, Anchorman (even though Will Ferrell is a one character actor) when the mentally challenged weatherman guy looks around saying how he loves carpet, loves lamp. It is a very healthy buddist way of looking at things, we should love everything the same, because it is all the same.
I was at Denny's and my friend made the anology of how two people having sex(or making love, baby), is just like two space particles rubbing together and out pops another particle in 9 months. Because if you really look at it, we are just space particles on a large sphere flying though a vast amount of space. Why is all this anger, sadness, and petty drama that big of a deal? It isn't and it can't rain everyday. I hope I made your brain hurt by reading this, because it certainly did for me.

it sounds awsome, and thanks for the birthday wish!

jeeze, that went waaay over my head. hehe, my brain does hurt. It sucks that show was sold out, i was looking forward to hanging with you again. I got a new tat, check out my journal. I was supposed to get it when Flipnslide, got hers, but i didnt have enough money at the time. So i got my hip stars instead. But i got this with my x-mas money.