Have you ever been driving down the road, while your in really deep thought? How the drive is the same know matter where you are. Everything just flows together. Especially at night. So you are driving along, and suddenly you look out and see a beautiful sky with the water reflecting the image like a mirror. So you turn around and park your car at loch raven resivor, and walk till you find the right spot. Plop down next to a guard rail and just stare at the scenery. Take it all in: The water, the reflection, the trees, the grass, the bridge, the geese, the huge amount of cars driving five feet from where your sitting. The moth you didn't see flying around until the headlights of a car revealed it prescence, and gone just as quick. So sitting their all bundled up in the cold against the guardrail, sitting in the grass. And the question: What is the point of this? Was this scenery supposed to give some beautiful answer to the thoughts or questions you were pondering about.(or any thought for that matter) Who knows, what would be your answer? Maybe you were looking for insperation? So you try and get a picture with your digital camera, and you get one off, but the power button falls off in the grass. Great you think to yourself, I really needed that. Then the camera starts going apeshit and starts taking pictures of the your crotch, the grass, your finger, and then you finally get the batteries out to turn the fucker off. So how do you feel? You stare for another eternity, get up and walk back to the car.
or maybe
Turned out like shit didn't it?
camera going ape shit
your beautiful crotch area

Turned out like shit didn't it?
camera going ape shit
your beautiful crotch area
thanks hun

yes read survivor it is very amazing, the only thing about his books i dont like is that they go too fast. it only takes a day of two to get through one