Hmm..what an odd few days, feels as though everything is foreign and different. Just constant thought. My bday and christmas were pretty good, family,food, video games. Alot of inpersonal gifts i.e. money, which is nice to have these days. I only received one small gift from my aunt that took the time to get me something, which is nicer than any check with whatever $$$ amount. I don't think I give stupid gifts, i thing they are well planned out. I also spent time with other families that weren't my own, but the ones of a person I care for. I ask myself why these few days, this was destined to end and what was the point? For a joke image that everything was ok. Well things are different now, but still the same. Weird how one night,phone call,text message can change you total perspective on everything. Not to mention destory you thoughts of being caring and trust in the person and ruin it for the rest. The doubt is there and it can never heal or be replaced. Thats how families and marriages end. That and not communicating, letting things build up until you lash out in spitefull bliss. Makes me want to go listen to boucing souls hopeless romantic and laugh,
Happy New Years everyone, inebration and DUI's for everyone.

ur SN is interesting. is it based on a certain decepticon
You got mail!!!