well, there it is kiddies!
I have been pissing on lifes toilet seat way to much recently.
You ever get the feeling that its all happining somewhere else? Maybe just around the corner?
hmm..so what do I feel like talking about today?
Oh, I've got it...anticipation
yes, yes..our dear friend anticipation. Oh, how I loathe thee.
You see kiddies, I'm currently waiting. I'm waiting for the little rose petal to bloom. I just began dating a certain young lady...and, I understand how all of these little moments in the beginning can lead to larger moments in the future. Thats all fine and dandy. I hate it....
It stinks ....badly. You see I begin to feel bad, for I belive that I'm doing most of the anticipating.
"Will she call?Will she call?"...who cares really. I mean it would be nice if she did, but life will go on. Not that big a deal. Sure that perfect love just decided not to call...but hey! Thats not perfect..and she doesn't love me....sooooo, I can jump to the conclusion that its just another person not calling me.....none of you guys ever call. Why should I be upset if you guys don't call. I mean, truth to be told, I would love to hear from you, but come on....shes only seen me four times more than you guys have (most of you), and I've actually seen some of you naked....
..oh and to coin a phrase from Isabelle.."Bailey, call me"...might work, might not...
At any rate, I am not a patient person. I am one of those people that have to constantly remind myself to slow down....slow down......slow down
Hey Dia...give me a call!!.....might work
Some nights it doesn't pay not to be drunk.
Oh and thanks for all of the responses on the subject of literature...if any of you think of any more feel free to post.
and yes...if you ask nice I just may give you the number
...and then I immediately expect you to give it to Missy!.......and then the....wink.
I have been pissing on lifes toilet seat way to much recently.
You ever get the feeling that its all happining somewhere else? Maybe just around the corner?
hmm..so what do I feel like talking about today?
Oh, I've got it...anticipation
yes, yes..our dear friend anticipation. Oh, how I loathe thee.
You see kiddies, I'm currently waiting. I'm waiting for the little rose petal to bloom. I just began dating a certain young lady...and, I understand how all of these little moments in the beginning can lead to larger moments in the future. Thats all fine and dandy. I hate it....
It stinks ....badly. You see I begin to feel bad, for I belive that I'm doing most of the anticipating.
"Will she call?Will she call?"...who cares really. I mean it would be nice if she did, but life will go on. Not that big a deal. Sure that perfect love just decided not to call...but hey! Thats not perfect..and she doesn't love me....sooooo, I can jump to the conclusion that its just another person not calling me.....none of you guys ever call. Why should I be upset if you guys don't call. I mean, truth to be told, I would love to hear from you, but come on....shes only seen me four times more than you guys have (most of you), and I've actually seen some of you naked....
..oh and to coin a phrase from Isabelle.."Bailey, call me"...might work, might not...
At any rate, I am not a patient person. I am one of those people that have to constantly remind myself to slow down....slow down......slow down
Hey Dia...give me a call!!.....might work
Some nights it doesn't pay not to be drunk.
Oh and thanks for all of the responses on the subject of literature...if any of you think of any more feel free to post.
and yes...if you ask nice I just may give you the number
...and then I immediately expect you to give it to Missy!.......and then the....wink.