holy shit, I just got in from a night out with Sneferu. It seems as though we went through about 22, and I do not lie, 22 Tom Collins. That also includes a number of margaritas for Sneferu and a number of guiness for me.
Jesus Christ, I want to die. I can't find my lighter and I desperately need a smoke.
Life is odd right now.
Whilst on our binge I ran into the person that I absolutely hate (or relatively can't stand) the most as well as the person that I would, absolutely, more than anybody else, love to see more of.
Geez louise, what an evening. I feel so sorry for myself already for the pain that I'm going to feel tomorrow. grrrrr
Oh well such is life.
On a different note. I generally don't care so much if anybody reads these. I do it because I absolutely love this site and it's originators. I find it an absolute pleasure that for a pitance someone actually allows me to express myself as I see fit.
It's so hard to type right now.
with best regards
Jesus Christ, I want to die. I can't find my lighter and I desperately need a smoke.
Life is odd right now.
Whilst on our binge I ran into the person that I absolutely hate (or relatively can't stand) the most as well as the person that I would, absolutely, more than anybody else, love to see more of.
Geez louise, what an evening. I feel so sorry for myself already for the pain that I'm going to feel tomorrow. grrrrr
Oh well such is life.
On a different note. I generally don't care so much if anybody reads these. I do it because I absolutely love this site and it's originators. I find it an absolute pleasure that for a pitance someone actually allows me to express myself as I see fit.
It's so hard to type right now.
with best regards
Heh heh. Drink and post. I guess it's better than the ol' drink and dial. At least you can go back and edit the next day before hopefully too many people read it. Although typing while under the influence is indeed more challenging than just running your mouth.
I had a drunken journal/post night on friday. Hope you don't wake up feeling as bad as I did!