I'm feeling all creative today. I've come up with a few different ideas for sets and tattoos and things... I like these moods. They may not lead to anything, but it feels good to think that I can still be creative. When I was in high school I made some earring designs on Microsoft Word. I wish there was some way to make them a reality, but I wouldn't even know where to begin. I like to write, too, but I think I'm a little rusty. I've lost most of my command of the English language. I'd love to sit down and write a little poetry each day, but I seem to get the best results when I just let something come to me and keep it in my head until I get to the keyboard or a sheet of paper. Everything else just seems so... contrived, I suppose.
The earring thingies. If anyone has any ideas about how to make something like these, I'd love to hear them.
As for the tattoo ideas, one that I like has already been proposed to a tattoo artist friend of a friend, so I may have my first tattoo soon. And the set ideas... I'm gonna keep those to myself

The earring thingies. If anyone has any ideas about how to make something like these, I'd love to hear them.
As for the tattoo ideas, one that I like has already been proposed to a tattoo artist friend of a friend, so I may have my first tattoo soon. And the set ideas... I'm gonna keep those to myself

As for the metal working, yeah she had the sheets of metal then these hole punching tools
it was basically a metal block with different size cirles cut out of it then these egded metal dowls which you placed a sheet of metal over the hole and pounded the dowl through so it cut out the different shapes, you'd also want metal cutting scissors and a file to smooth out edges, then needle nose plyers for bending wire, now how the hell you'd get all the pieces to stay together i'm not entirely sure, i didn't pay that close of attention, I wish you luck in the endeavour if you choose to pursue it though
(oh and btw I loved your pics, you have an innocent debatchery about you, very appealing)