What a day. It started out vaguely structured. Breakfast for boy, homework while he watched cartoons and terrorized Jake. I get a call from Sis. We head down to visit Mamaw for her birthday then visit my little Japanese grandma. Came home and me and Bub took an epic nap!
Woke up, went to IronMog's house and went swimming with him and his sisters. Had an absolute blast. Beware all ye who swim with teh IronMog - butt cheeks are not safe!
What a day. It started out vaguely structured. Breakfast for boy, homework while he watched cartoons and terrorized Jake. I get a call from Sis. We head down to visit Mamaw for her birthday then visit my little Japanese grandma. Came home and me and Bub took an epic nap!
Woke up, went to IronMog's house and went swimming with him and his sisters. Had an absolute blast. Beware all ye who swim with teh IronMog - butt cheeks are not safe!