Okay, let's try this again, shall we? Since the past few weeks this has been nothing but a bullshit sticky note, a real entry is in order.
Kids : Frick and Frack are getting so big. *SO* big. I can't believe Sis is almost five. She's so smart. She lives and breathes learning. Her favorite things to watch on TV are educational documentaries. She's watching one on deep sea life. And I'm not talking the ones geared for kids. I'm talking like the ones on the History Channel and the Discovery Channel. And the kid loves dinosaurs. She's always telling me about them. I usually have to google it to figure out what the hell she's talking about. And thus far, she's always been right.
Bub is monsterously sized now. He's starting to use small sentences and his vocabulary is growing every day. Jake taught him the word "Balls". So whenever he drops anything now, he yells BALLS! He's still my snuggle bug though. He loves trucks, semis, tractors and basically anything bigger than my Honda and goes completely ape when he sees one.
School : I just finished my third week of college. I'm doing a lot better than I expected I would. I've managed to get a 99.05% in GEN105 and a 97.5% in COM140. I'm kind of excited about it now. I was very anxious since I had been out of school for so long, but I guess it's like riding a bike. And, Jake said if I finish this semester with a 4.0 average, he'll buy me a new tattoo! SQUEEE!!!
Me : We close on our house in roughly six weeks. I am beyond excited about this. I'm also gonna be the proud new momma of a pit bull puppy, a retired greyhound and a raccoon.
Okay, let's try this again, shall we? Since the past few weeks this has been nothing but a bullshit sticky note, a real entry is in order.
Kids : Frick and Frack are getting so big. *SO* big. I can't believe Sis is almost five. She's so smart. She lives and breathes learning. Her favorite things to watch on TV are educational documentaries. She's watching one on deep sea life. And I'm not talking the ones geared for kids. I'm talking like the ones on the History Channel and the Discovery Channel. And the kid loves dinosaurs. She's always telling me about them. I usually have to google it to figure out what the hell she's talking about. And thus far, she's always been right.
Bub is monsterously sized now. He's starting to use small sentences and his vocabulary is growing every day. Jake taught him the word "Balls". So whenever he drops anything now, he yells BALLS! He's still my snuggle bug though. He loves trucks, semis, tractors and basically anything bigger than my Honda and goes completely ape when he sees one.
School : I just finished my third week of college. I'm doing a lot better than I expected I would. I've managed to get a 99.05% in GEN105 and a 97.5% in COM140. I'm kind of excited about it now. I was very anxious since I had been out of school for so long, but I guess it's like riding a bike. And, Jake said if I finish this semester with a 4.0 average, he'll buy me a new tattoo! SQUEEE!!!
Me : We close on our house in roughly six weeks. I am beyond excited about this. I'm also gonna be the proud new momma of a pit bull puppy, a retired greyhound and a raccoon.

Hehe wow sounds good, good luck with the house and the animals. Gonna be rad.