Last night was the foam party. I have never had so much fun in a club downtown. My friend Richard was spinning and usually I'm not into dance techno music, but I went for him. I had a blast. Lauren and Sammy dressed me up and we all went to play in the foam. I should have photos soon from Laurens camera, since I don't...
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My hippie friend Leela taught me how to make hemp jewelry tonight. Now, I will have something to occupy me while I'm at the beach. Which I have decided to make the 30 minute trip to a local beach at least three times a week. I love it. It's so relaxing and peaceful. I want to live at the beach.

damn. my love life is...
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at 19 relationships are over the top overrated... live you life to the fullest!!!
Hey I Know You!!!!!!!! We are still on for the SOiL show right???? Also Im ready to shoot you again when you are.

**huggles you**

I went to a bike rally this weekend. I actually had fun with all the rednecks. Did I just say that? I can now cross out these things on my list of things to accomplish in life: I got to ride a motorcycle. I got my boobs painted. I was in a wet t-shirt contest. It was great fun. I got paid to party.

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"I got to ride a motorcycle. I got my boobs painted. I was in a wet t-shirt contest."

And there were no pictures taken of these events! COME ON!

Sounds like you had a blast and yay for crossing off things on the ol' To Accomplish In Life List!

I went to the spa today. This is the first time I have ever had a massage and I was kind of disappointed. My muscles are sore because I didn't drink any water. No one pre-warned me of this! I also had my eyebrows waxed for the first time. It didn't hurt at all. I don't see how that hurts some people. After the spa...
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Nice! Which porn store did you go to?
I have officially made grand plans to go to the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam this November. Grand fucking plans. I am hyped[!!!!!!].

I really like Halfway Home on Comedy Central. I see this show being one of my favorites.

I'm frustrated. I need a new play toy. Le sigh.
Count me in surreal biggrin
I have so many trips coming up. I'm so excited. Bright Eyes in May, Sage Francis in June, and Bonnaroo right after Sage Francis. Oh yes. I need to start saving my moneys.
hi! i just read that youre looking for a photographer in this area. i live in Daphne and am meeting a photographer from Loxley tomorrow for lunch. after i do the shoot with him (which will probably be later this week) if i find he is safe to work with and has great photography i will recommend him to you. so far through email he seems fab.

have you already applied to be a SG?
I've been in a deep depression all day long. Even online shopping won't help. Bleh.

These fucking dogs will not stop barking. No wonder I'm a cat person.

I took new photos on Wednesday. I'm going to send them in soon. Hopefully I'll get accepted. I'll post some of them soon.
i have been doing well. it is funny how my room mates procrastination is my fault. hope you get to feeling better. i live in pensacola now. in case you did not know.
i won $70 on a bet on a basketball game last night. how fucking lucky am i? i know nothing about basketball.

getting tattooed tonight. yay.

i hate glenn beck.

that's all.
300 was everything I thought it would be. Fucking fantastic movie.

My roommates girlfriend is such a bitch. I can't stand when she's here. She's mean to my cat. I wish I could punch her in the face and still have a place to live.

Sage Francis in New Orleans, April 15. Oh yes. I will be there.
