soooooooooo, been sitting here trying to draw and can't seem to get anything on paper or even focus on solid idea. This is infuriating :(
That has got to be one of the worst feelings ever >_< ... I hate it SO very much :(
I'm right there with you, Dryade. Artist's block is so frustrating!
I am SOOOOooooooo ready for the holiday rush to be over. working all these long hours is starting to take its toll. On the bright side though, all that overtime makes the paycheck look mighty nice :)
Just got back from a bus trip to the Philly area. tired, but getting in the mood to start work on a new pin-up art piece. we'll see how it goes :)
Nice drawing
Damn it all to hell!! Now the horn in my car doesn't work! More money out-the-door!! Screw it...time to look at beautiful pin-ups on!

look my new set round 1
add ok?
look my new set round 1
add ok?

SO the 2008 business year has started with a bang at work and at home.... first off we lay off over 300 people from the place I work, luckily I kept my job. Unluckily however, I discovered that most of us that remain won't be receiving any more raises for the foreseeable future, even though the cost of living has gone up considerably. I've decided...
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