What a Weekend.
My Beautiful Santa Barbara was Burning.
Over 200 Homes Were Lost... Some Belonging to Friends.
We Had an Evacuee Staying With Us, Luckily the Fire Burned Right Up to the Edge of Her Property...
But Her Home Stands.
Others Were Not So Lucky.
My Appreciation and Thanks to all the Firefighters.
My Love and Best Wishes to Everyone Trying to Recover.
Ain't Life a Bitch.
This Beautiful Church is Now Destroyed.
My Beautiful Santa Barbara was Burning.
Over 200 Homes Were Lost... Some Belonging to Friends.
We Had an Evacuee Staying With Us, Luckily the Fire Burned Right Up to the Edge of Her Property...
But Her Home Stands.
Others Were Not So Lucky.
My Appreciation and Thanks to all the Firefighters.
My Love and Best Wishes to Everyone Trying to Recover.
Ain't Life a Bitch.

This Beautiful Church is Now Destroyed.