iI bought the NFT domain suicidegirl.nft if anyone wants a subdomain of it?
As a thank you, I give my followers 10 subdomains for free. I didn't buy the domain to make money.
What do you have to do for it?
Make a comment under this post. Send me your polygon compatible wallet address via direct message.
I will then create a subdomain with your username. For example soulkiller.suicidegirl.nft
What can you do with this domain!? You can own it as an NFT, resell it or even better connect it to your wallet. Once you have the domain, you can log into unstoppabledomains.com with your wallet and make any adjustments you want. There you can also find all information about what you can do with it and many YouTube instructions.
Info: I don't work for unstoppabledomains and I don't benefit from them in any other way. From me for you