Well am off up to Inverness, land of sun, sea, sand and sheep-shagging, for a weekend of stag-type fun, frolics and consuming of far too much alkymahol.
Wish me luck..
What do you give a woman who has everything? Penicillin.
Hear about the spiritualist midget who escaped from jail?
Police are looking for a small medium at large.
Two mates were having a beer and discussing their wives.
"Do you and your wife ever do it doggy style?" asked one.
"Kinda: I sit up and beg, she rolls over and plays dead."
And on that note, it's time I got my jacket and made my way to the exit......
Wish me luck..

What do you give a woman who has everything? Penicillin.
Hear about the spiritualist midget who escaped from jail?
Police are looking for a small medium at large.
Two mates were having a beer and discussing their wives.
"Do you and your wife ever do it doggy style?" asked one.
"Kinda: I sit up and beg, she rolls over and plays dead."
And on that note, it's time I got my jacket and made my way to the exit......
hope the weekend provided more entertainment than those jokes. those my friend are terrible.
But here's another!
What's the difference between Rolf Harris and Steve Davis?
They've both got beards except Steve Davis.
There's plenty more where that came from.
[Edited on May 07, 2006 2:54PM]