Are you fucking kidding me?
I have never been more ashamed of the human race. I know that is a huge staement considering what the human race has done as a whole but...for the second time, I have heard of anti gay protestors getting in the way of soldier's funerals.
Yes, there have been more, but I have only been privy to these specific instances...forgive spelling, I am too upset for checking.
Who the hell are these people. Leave alone the whole gay rights thing. I'm bisexual. Not one of those porn star bisexuals who do it for the money or just to have a date on the weekend. I love both men and women.
These are dead people who are NEVER coming back to our world. Who the fuck are you to disrupt thier peace?
You blatantly ignorant bastards. Have some fucking respect. Have your views. Fine. I don't agree with them. But you don't see me at your funeral saying what a bitch you are. I let you have your peace.
Think of the families that are letting thier loved ones go. Think of the fact that they are imagining thier child blown apart by bombs. Blood and brain splattered all over the nearest surface. Thier child's life blood torn from them. How fucked up can you be to have the audacity to preach your bullshit (I agree with free speech, say what you want, but know when to say it) in thier face when they are trying to let go of the ones they love?
As much as I would like to say that I hope you see someone you love killed in the same way and have the same experience you are giving others...I won't say it. I hope that you don't have to go through what you are putting others through. I hope that one day you will have the clarity to say...I hurt others when they were down. Maybe I should realize that there is a time and place to talk about what I beleive in. And that place is not over the grave of a child that has NOTHING to do with this arguement.
Sarah & Meish
I have never been more ashamed of the human race. I know that is a huge staement considering what the human race has done as a whole but...for the second time, I have heard of anti gay protestors getting in the way of soldier's funerals.
Yes, there have been more, but I have only been privy to these specific instances...forgive spelling, I am too upset for checking.
Who the hell are these people. Leave alone the whole gay rights thing. I'm bisexual. Not one of those porn star bisexuals who do it for the money or just to have a date on the weekend. I love both men and women.
These are dead people who are NEVER coming back to our world. Who the fuck are you to disrupt thier peace?
You blatantly ignorant bastards. Have some fucking respect. Have your views. Fine. I don't agree with them. But you don't see me at your funeral saying what a bitch you are. I let you have your peace.
Think of the families that are letting thier loved ones go. Think of the fact that they are imagining thier child blown apart by bombs. Blood and brain splattered all over the nearest surface. Thier child's life blood torn from them. How fucked up can you be to have the audacity to preach your bullshit (I agree with free speech, say what you want, but know when to say it) in thier face when they are trying to let go of the ones they love?
As much as I would like to say that I hope you see someone you love killed in the same way and have the same experience you are giving others...I won't say it. I hope that you don't have to go through what you are putting others through. I hope that one day you will have the clarity to say...I hurt others when they were down. Maybe I should realize that there is a time and place to talk about what I beleive in. And that place is not over the grave of a child that has NOTHING to do with this arguement.
Sarah & Meish
They celebrate the death of soldiers because they belive that 9/11 was a sign of displeasure from god over America's love of homosexuals and sin, and that the continuing war is our due punishment. A slow death is too kind for him.
(Hi, I'm J24U by the way).