oh lord.

grant writing makes my skull headhurt.

school is almost over.
school is almost over.
school is almost over.

and costa rica is coming oh so soon.

let's pray we make it through.
I try to feel sympathy for that fear of stability. I don't understand it, but a lot of people don't understand my need for it either.
here's my horoscope for today:

Your appeal is undeniable. Others find you irresistible. Enjoy the attention..

thanks friendster astrology!

that wasn't really today though. sloooow brunch shift, i made like $90 over two shifts this weekend. i guess that sounds like complaining. but... i got a $125 traffic ticket to take care of this week.

well, at least my appeal is undeniable
so a pirate walked into the restaurant tonight while i was waiting tables.
i noticed that he had this steering wheel sticking out of the fly of his pants, so i quietly came over and asked him what the steering wheel was doing in his pants.
he looked at me and said "Arrrr... it's driving me nuts!"
so went down to the farm today.

we've got a biodiesel processor down there and haven't been down much at all this last winter. we have about 400 gallons of waste vegetable oil that we've been meaning to make into biodiesel.

well, you can't leave used oil to sit for months and months, it goes rancid. we spent an hour titrating each of 8 barrels,...
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so sometime this afternoon during brunch i lost $25.
it really sucks to wait tables a few times a week and lose half your tips in one shift.
worst is when you can remember each tip, and you can't figure out where it woulda gone.
so... i'll live on $30 this week,.

i took a bath and cooked dinner tonight/
curried tofu, swiss chard and...
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e. e. cummings

it may not always be so; and i say

it may not always be so; and i say
that if your lips, which i have loved, should touch
another's, and your dear strong fingers clutch
his heart, as mine in time not far away;
if on another's face your sweet hair lay
in such a silence as i know, or such
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i stayed up last night playing balderdash after work with some folks. we were waiting for the supposed 8 inches of snow, but by the time i left at 2 am it was merely drizzling. drank beers on my time card, which makes it quite easy to do.
ended up waking up around noon today.
finally mozied on down to the coffee shop to work...
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so. i gotta get up and drive 6 hours in the morning. by the time i'm done, i'll be at the coast. and i can sleep out at the beach for theh first night in, well...
just a couple months.

but we need the ocean as much as possible.

i got the mountains up here, but i take it for granted.
sleep inside, near the...
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