The past three weeks have been a wonderful blur. Lots of little things going on, and of course a shit load of work! I've tattooed a few new pieces that I'm really into.

I can't wait to tattoo more on the skull and peacock feathers! So much fun. Hopefully I can work on it a bit more at the tattoo convention I'm working this Saturday! I'm pretty pumped, its my first convention so I'm excited for the experience (even if its a small show).
Other then work I've been making lots of delicious sugary death. Every week I try to give myself a little project. First I made rock candy which is pretty much pure sugar. It was not only fun, but a good test of patience since it took a little over a week to grow. Flavors were vanilla and maple. I really just wanted to make them because they look so awesome, but with the flavoring added they were fucking tasty!

This week it was delicious cupcakes! I made the cupcakes and icing from scratch, which both turned out awesome. Sadly I need alot more practice in the decoration department, they aren't supposed to look cooler without icing! The purple and green ones were modeled (poorly) after Captain Teemo mushrooms for my man. OMNOMNOM.

This weekend I think I want to sew something, so maybe I'll start my Halloween costume! I'm going as Misty from Pokemon... still trying to convince my man to be my Psyduck!! Need my side poneytail to grow longer!

Right now I'm halfway through my six day vacation, so I'm making the best of it with a drink in one hand an a joint in the other. Lots of smoking, drinking and freckle collecting for me.

Being a ginger though, I can't spent to much time in the sun or I might spontaneously combust. So I have been watching a tonne of old movies while I lvl or draw in my cave. Movies I haven't seen in years like, Ghost busters 1 and 2, Princess Bride, Men in tights, Jumanji, the Never ending story and the Ginger Snaps trilogy. Werewolves are my ultimate horror movie fear, so many awesome nightmares. I think its off to evil dead next!
Morning smokage from my babe made me smile.

My pokemans!

I'll leave you with some magic to the ears. I can't stop listening to this.
Cheers <3!

I can't wait to tattoo more on the skull and peacock feathers! So much fun. Hopefully I can work on it a bit more at the tattoo convention I'm working this Saturday! I'm pretty pumped, its my first convention so I'm excited for the experience (even if its a small show).
Other then work I've been making lots of delicious sugary death. Every week I try to give myself a little project. First I made rock candy which is pretty much pure sugar. It was not only fun, but a good test of patience since it took a little over a week to grow. Flavors were vanilla and maple. I really just wanted to make them because they look so awesome, but with the flavoring added they were fucking tasty!

This week it was delicious cupcakes! I made the cupcakes and icing from scratch, which both turned out awesome. Sadly I need alot more practice in the decoration department, they aren't supposed to look cooler without icing! The purple and green ones were modeled (poorly) after Captain Teemo mushrooms for my man. OMNOMNOM.

This weekend I think I want to sew something, so maybe I'll start my Halloween costume! I'm going as Misty from Pokemon... still trying to convince my man to be my Psyduck!! Need my side poneytail to grow longer!

Right now I'm halfway through my six day vacation, so I'm making the best of it with a drink in one hand an a joint in the other. Lots of smoking, drinking and freckle collecting for me.

Being a ginger though, I can't spent to much time in the sun or I might spontaneously combust. So I have been watching a tonne of old movies while I lvl or draw in my cave. Movies I haven't seen in years like, Ghost busters 1 and 2, Princess Bride, Men in tights, Jumanji, the Never ending story and the Ginger Snaps trilogy. Werewolves are my ultimate horror movie fear, so many awesome nightmares. I think its off to evil dead next!
Morning smokage from my babe made me smile.

My pokemans!

I'll leave you with some magic to the ears. I can't stop listening to this.
Cheers <3!
Pokemon cosplay FTW! :] You'll make a super cute Misty! :] You should post a picture once you're done your costume. I would love to see it! xo
I'm cosplaying as Misty for Otakon next week! I wish I could convince my boy to dress up as a pokemon, but that definitely wouldn't happen. xp But dat's okay, I'll have Porphyria as my Togepi instead! :]
I'm also working on a costume for Dawn, May, & Flannery. Though I don't really know why. xp
P.S. - The Lost Woods remix wins pretty hard! New random song obsession for me. xp
and I love when you post your lovely art work :3