They say don't judge a book by its cover, but I'm pretty sure they weren't talking about wine. I like to pick my wine based on exactly that. The point system is based off how interesting the name and label image is. I once picked a bottle of wine just because it was called "cats pee on a gooseberry bush", and made me lawl. Right now I'm sipping my way through this gem.

I was so happy when my buddeh brought me a wine that fits the bill. It was my tip for the tattoo I stabbed into him the week before!

I demolished it like a true french wino for the lake bash preparty! I took saturday off last minute so a few friends came into town a day early to get some extra drinking and chilling time in.
The next morning we summoned many minions in preparation for the real party.

The lake bash was fucking pwnage! Fireworks, bonfire, beers, and wonderful people to share them all with. But pictures can articulate the evening better then I can.

The beer bong this year was named Long Bong Silver. After doing one you had to make a pirate noise or walk to fucking plank! YAAARRRR!!!11 And of course its never a true lake bash unless the cops try to crash the party at least once, maybe twice. But how can you be mad when you get complaints from across the lake? I mean, that's just impressive.
Speaking of bongs! The champion slayer, named after defeating many experienced smokers in one on one combat, has been fixed after over a year of collecting dust (just in time to cure my lake bash hangover). It hits harder then an abusive parent after drinking to much JD.

I finally got around to doing a bit more sketching. I draw for work everyday, but I need to be drawing alot more, and more for myself. Sitting down and sketching some beautiful ladies is the perfect way to do just that. So relaxing.


Almost as relaxing as getting tattoo'd! Nothing clears the mind like a little pain and art. My New tattoo makes me smile everytime I look at it. I love these little soot sprites!

Storms are another one of those things that I find strangely calming. We had a wild one a few days ago, and since I wasn't tattooing at the time I was able to enjoy the sights and sounds. Skys as dark as night, funnels clouds, lightning flashing, thunder roaring, and then rain falling in sheets so thick it was impossible to see anything but water trough the windows. When I got home it turned out that there had even been huge hail pelting from the sky. My awesome man saved me some in the freezer to show me <3.

He also got me happy meals when I freaked out about the toys!
More Pokemon goodness!


I was so happy when my buddeh brought me a wine that fits the bill. It was my tip for the tattoo I stabbed into him the week before!

I demolished it like a true french wino for the lake bash preparty! I took saturday off last minute so a few friends came into town a day early to get some extra drinking and chilling time in.
The next morning we summoned many minions in preparation for the real party.

The lake bash was fucking pwnage! Fireworks, bonfire, beers, and wonderful people to share them all with. But pictures can articulate the evening better then I can.

The beer bong this year was named Long Bong Silver. After doing one you had to make a pirate noise or walk to fucking plank! YAAARRRR!!!11 And of course its never a true lake bash unless the cops try to crash the party at least once, maybe twice. But how can you be mad when you get complaints from across the lake? I mean, that's just impressive.
Speaking of bongs! The champion slayer, named after defeating many experienced smokers in one on one combat, has been fixed after over a year of collecting dust (just in time to cure my lake bash hangover). It hits harder then an abusive parent after drinking to much JD.

I finally got around to doing a bit more sketching. I draw for work everyday, but I need to be drawing alot more, and more for myself. Sitting down and sketching some beautiful ladies is the perfect way to do just that. So relaxing.


Almost as relaxing as getting tattoo'd! Nothing clears the mind like a little pain and art. My New tattoo makes me smile everytime I look at it. I love these little soot sprites!

Storms are another one of those things that I find strangely calming. We had a wild one a few days ago, and since I wasn't tattooing at the time I was able to enjoy the sights and sounds. Skys as dark as night, funnels clouds, lightning flashing, thunder roaring, and then rain falling in sheets so thick it was impossible to see anything but water trough the windows. When I got home it turned out that there had even been huge hail pelting from the sky. My awesome man saved me some in the freezer to show me <3.

He also got me happy meals when I freaked out about the toys!

More Pokemon goodness!

I read all the books right when they came out, but I left out the last book. I wanted something to look forward to when seeing the I actually had no idea what happened in the last book when seeing the movie last night.
It was spectacular