On Thursday I started obsessing about it so it became my goal for the weekend. Living in a small town means limited sushi outlets. Luckily one of the grocery stores is equipped with the proper supplies. I've never made sushi before so I was really worried I would fuck it up, but it turned out pretty good! Now that I have the basics down I can work on making it prettier lol. Going to have to make more to use up the smoked salmon before it goes bad. It'll give me a chance to practice my rolling skills. I used to just roll joints, now I roll sushi to. I also eat raspberries like a weirdo, but I swear it makes them taste more delicious!

On Friday I started a sleeve on one of the tattoo artists I work with. I was up till 2 am the night before drawing it up, but thats what I get for procrastinating. Exhaustion aside it was worth it. This is by far one of my favorite custom designs. I fucking love it. I can't wait to start shading, so much potential.

In return I'm getting my sleeve started this friday! Got a couple of really rough sketches going, which I'm going to start refining tonight. SO EXCITED. I'm vibrating with joy.
Sunny summer days on the trampoline are what I live for! Give me spf 60 and a friend, and I'm a happy little ginger.
My good friend (who moved out of province 4 months ago) came down for a visit and we spent the day sunbathing like lizards and sucking back alcoholic beverages. I don't have many friends still living in town so moments like these are wonderful. We made the discovery that chalk and the trampoline make and excellent combo. No sidewalk, and the roads suck so gotta improvise!
Penis sword fight! I chose to believe that guys do this in real life.
In two hours its my five year anniversary!
I'm kinda bummed because my boyfriend had to go out of town for work this weekend, but he will be home tomorrow and I'll be waiting to pounce!
Don't tell anyone cool, but I started playing WoW again lol. Between lvling my archeology to get a fossilized hatchling and playing ds, I've got a hefty gaming schedule. My Pokemon aren't going to lvl themselves, lazy bastards...
Your so cute