Wonderful things can happen when you are out four wheeling and half in the bag. I can't wait to get out there and explore some new trails. I need a day surrounded by trees and fresh air (and maybe a small cooler of beer lol). Of course I would be drinking those beer from under a bug net, but sacrifices must be made. The bugs this year are killer. They're munching on me while I'm sleeping and can't defend myself!
The next 2 weeks are going to be fucking sweet. Next Tuesday is my five year anniversary with my sexy man pony. I call him a pony but really its PWNy. I find it crazy and wonderful that we've been together for this long. Crazy because I can't believe how fast the time is flying, and awesome because I <3 hims (mushymushy).

On that Friday I'm getting some ink stabbed into my flesh! Its been way to long (over a year and I'm a tattoo artist damnit!) so I've got the tattoo itch! Or maybe thats just the bugs bites... either way I am stoked to get my sleeve started!!!!!!!
This Tuesday is also of my second year anniversary at the Wizzards den! This is the longest I've ever been at any job, and since its my dream job it makes me kinda proud. I can look back at lots of slave hours and say, fuck yeah, I did it! I've come a long way, and every second was a fucking ride. Now if only we could get our website remodeled and get my ass on there!
It was a hot ass day today. I loved it, but I thank flying spaghetti monster and his only son meatball jesus everyday that we have air conditioning at work. Tattooing when both you and your client are sweating vaginas (or balls) can be an unpleasant ordeal. Not to mention the pass out rate increases like mad in the heat. It freaks me out when people pass out. I know how to handle it but in my head I'm all like "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~"
Just like when this happens.
On a completely unrelated note
Don't worry, that freaked me out to.....
i love your art <3
and you are just one lil cutie cutecute :3