Double the chances to punt a leprechaun and steal his gold? I see it being more likely this is what I'd find at the end of the rainbow.

Nyan cat aside, this weekend has been both extremely relaxing and extremely busy. The first day was full of sun and beer (and bugs, little fuckers!). My beautiful man and I got to drive out to the lake, hang out with family and sit in the sunshine (while I harvest freckles). I read half a book, got a one shoulder sun burn, and wandered around in the ferns.

On the busy side of the scale, spring cleaning has begun! We spent a good 9 hours yesterday (with maybe an ice cream break or 2) cleaning, and I still have more to do today. But god damn does the house look and feel nice now. We've purged the house useless crap and transfered it to our front lawn. Along with the usual scavengers, I'm pretty sure I saw the junk lady from the labyrinth chilling in there somewhere...
I still have 2 more days off and if I'm forced to spend another one cleaning you can bet I'm drinking all the wine in the process. Nothing motivates you to clean like drunk.
I want to spend some time creating this weekend. I feel the drive to draw, or paint, or sew. I brought my new sewing machine (which is really my grandmothers old machine) upstairs and I'm itching to give it a try. Usually I hand sew, but at a sloths pace... and I also kinda suck lol. We'll see how it goes with a machine on my side. I haven't been doing much artwork for myself so I'm a little down about it. I should be drawing all the damn time but I let my lazy ass get in the way. SuicideGIrls is helpful since I can easily find beautiful inspiration and referencing when I'm not motivated. Also I just like boobs, okay?
My newest drawing is of Chunni
And of course my newish drawing for Porphyria. She is just to fucking cute.
Now for a song about tentacles.
I <3 Legend of Zelda,
Legend of Neil an amazing spoof of the game, really worth watching, so many lols.
Today I leave you with...
PIKATHULHU! Gotta catch em all!
You look like the cutest little nymph elf thing ever, I want to put you in my pocket.
I remember junk lady from the labyrinth giving me some serious nightmares when I was a kid, she fucking disturbed me... O_O.
Your drawing of Chunni came out stunning! O_O