Okay, so I've had no mail like that at all but it has been weeks MONTHS since I've spoken to you guys on anywhere apart from instagram so I decided today, instead of heading straight to the promise land, aka, this right here, aka my awesome tumblr blog! I thought I'd come and update you guys with all that has been happening in my life since I got back from NYC.
So the main thing that has been taking me away from the online world is NARUTO! Seriously, so I know I am hella late to the Naruto party and that it began like .... thirty seven years ago, (I'm joking, I know it wasn't that long ago, that's me trying to be funny,) and that everyone who is up to date is about 100 episodes ahead of me, BUT my god it is fucking amazing. I'm practically the biggest Uchiha fan girl there ever was, srsly, if you follow me on instagram you will know this. So yeah, if anyone is just ... wandering around their home towns and bumps into an Uchiha, please mail them to me. It will make me smile
The second thing that has been taking up all of my time is my fucking job. It fucking sucks. I work in a really run down part of my town and my boss treats me like shit, the customers treat me like shit and it got to a point where I said NO I'M NOT TAKING THIS ANYMORE, STOP TREATING ME LIKE A SLAAAAVE, I DEERVE A BREAK IF I'M WORKING SEVEN DAMN HOURS ON MY FEET! So yeah, I told them I wanted to leave and then everything changed, my boss begged me to stay, offering me a different position (giggity) where I won't be serving customers anymore, I'll be doing admin stuff, filing and shit so yeahhhhh, everything is better now, I don't work as many days so I get to hang out with my friends more and I won't be getting as much money but I'd rather be happy and poor than stressed out and rich. (Holy shit did I just say something meaningful?)
So yeah guys, I'm going to be updating here a lot more
another Naruto related thing. Not a lot, in fact I don't think any of you will know this but I do roleplay a lot on tumblr, and when I say that I don't mean I'm talking dirty to strange men and letting them cyber spank me, no no. I run my own blogs for certain characters from certain fandoms. Any of you watch FFVII AC? The remnants? Kadaj? Yeah I ran a blog as him for about a year but my muse for him has kinda died now which, when it happened, kinda really suck because for a couple of weeks my head was just deadly silent, but nowwwwww, I have found two Sasuke muses that I have, one little pre massacare and one elder. I won't bore you with their details but yeah! Important shit to me is important shit to you guys!
So yeah,
I'm going to be updating you guys more frequently now I'm not stressing about life so much so prepare to see more of me very very soon!
(there will be pictures in the next blog, I swear!)
Okay, so I've had no mail like that at all but it has been weeks MONTHS since I've spoken to you guys on anywhere apart from instagram so I decided today, instead of heading straight to the promise land, aka, this right here, aka my awesome tumblr blog! I thought I'd come and update you guys with all that has been happening in my life since I got back from NYC.
So the main thing that has been taking me away from the online world is NARUTO! Seriously, so I know I am hella late to the Naruto party and that it began like .... thirty seven years ago, (I'm joking, I know it wasn't that long ago, that's me trying to be funny,) and that everyone who is up to date is about 100 episodes ahead of me, BUT my god it is fucking amazing. I'm practically the biggest Uchiha fan girl there ever was, srsly, if you follow me on instagram you will know this. So yeah, if anyone is just ... wandering around their home towns and bumps into an Uchiha, please mail them to me. It will make me smile

The second thing that has been taking up all of my time is my fucking job. It fucking sucks. I work in a really run down part of my town and my boss treats me like shit, the customers treat me like shit and it got to a point where I said NO I'M NOT TAKING THIS ANYMORE, STOP TREATING ME LIKE A SLAAAAVE, I DEERVE A BREAK IF I'M WORKING SEVEN DAMN HOURS ON MY FEET! So yeah, I told them I wanted to leave and then everything changed, my boss begged me to stay, offering me a different position (giggity) where I won't be serving customers anymore, I'll be doing admin stuff, filing and shit so yeahhhhh, everything is better now, I don't work as many days so I get to hang out with my friends more and I won't be getting as much money but I'd rather be happy and poor than stressed out and rich. (Holy shit did I just say something meaningful?)
So yeah guys, I'm going to be updating here a lot more
another Naruto related thing. Not a lot, in fact I don't think any of you will know this but I do roleplay a lot on tumblr, and when I say that I don't mean I'm talking dirty to strange men and letting them cyber spank me, no no. I run my own blogs for certain characters from certain fandoms. Any of you watch FFVII AC? The remnants? Kadaj? Yeah I ran a blog as him for about a year but my muse for him has kinda died now which, when it happened, kinda really suck because for a couple of weeks my head was just deadly silent, but nowwwwww, I have found two Sasuke muses that I have, one little pre massacare and one elder. I won't bore you with their details but yeah! Important shit to me is important shit to you guys!
So yeah,
I'm going to be updating you guys more frequently now I'm not stressing about life so much so prepare to see more of me very very soon!
(there will be pictures in the next blog, I swear!)
Hooray for not having to deal with customers!