Where you at!?
Here I am! Spittin' fokken lyrics like, bam bam bam!
So I got a boober craving and came back to ogle at @nebula @pugsie @chef and their lovely jubblies (I feel like I belong on a register just for writing that sentence, I'm such an inept pervert.)
I'm glad to see @hiptobes @waitformetoturnblue @elizathetroll and probably everybody else hasn't actually gone anywhere. This shouldn't be surprising, it's not really been that long, it just feels like forever because a lot has cracked off in my personal life.
Long story short: I had a mental breakdown, I drove my partner away, she moved out, I got very ill, so I'm now back in therapy, I've moved flats twice (or I'm trying, the new new place smells fucking disgusting currently so I refuse to move in), I got a promotion, I'm on the verge of another one, my ex and I are trying to reconcile and my mental health is well and truly on the up.
TMI? Probably. But given some of the shit people share on here (their dix for one, amirite) I reckon I can pass this off under the radar.
I really am actually fine by the way at the moment.
Partly because I've just seen Nebs is going all Tank Girl on us and that's got me all like:
<3 droool
So yeah thanks to those of you who noticed and said hello. Means a lot.