THANXSO MUCH!!! it really cheers me up to see that you all read my blog and want helpme! thanx forthe advice,and different views, imnotmuch into what other people thinkabout me. but a while ago i learned that it is good tolook at youselffromanother point ofview. you knowhen you get into your life and your certain habits you tend not to notice your flawsor areas you can improvein. So I told my grandparents and they arent thrilled but they understand and want me to work towards what is best for me and my education. so that went well!! Now I have to go to the school and tell them! ooohhh goody! I am working on the doctors appointments. and my next step is to find a good payingjob. hopefully the MAC thing pans out, but imnotgonna depend on it.
yes i am very lucky to have justin in my life. we are at the point nowwhere weknow wewant to be together forever, so what do we need to do to make that happen???alot of dedication, clear communication,honesty, and confiding in eachother! its hard to mesh to seperate livestogether successfully, especially with the age difference!! me 19 he is 25, not much difference but enough to present some complications. anyway im finally goin to work! i wasway sick on monday, then had a crazy allergic reaction in my eyes last night!! yeah i looked like fuckin sloth or whatever from goonies!it was hot!! i think when i was crying yesterday i was petting the cat for comfort and rubbed some of her flea medication in my eyesoimnot gonna do that anymore. oooand i cant say too much but on topof the set coming soon i have plans with another SG hottie for areally cool set!!
yes i am very lucky to have justin in my life. we are at the point nowwhere weknow wewant to be together forever, so what do we need to do to make that happen???alot of dedication, clear communication,honesty, and confiding in eachother! its hard to mesh to seperate livestogether successfully, especially with the age difference!! me 19 he is 25, not much difference but enough to present some complications. anyway im finally goin to work! i wasway sick on monday, then had a crazy allergic reaction in my eyes last night!! yeah i looked like fuckin sloth or whatever from goonies!it was hot!! i think when i was crying yesterday i was petting the cat for comfort and rubbed some of her flea medication in my eyesoimnot gonna do that anymore. oooand i cant say too much but on topof the set coming soon i have plans with another SG hottie for areally cool set!!

You are on my favorite SG list, I have to let you in the group.