Yup, I hate my new car.

This is the 4th time I've taken it in to get the rattles fixed and the 3rd time it's come back with no noticeable improvement. I'm basically left with continuing to suffer this piece of crap. I don't enjoy driving anymore.
oh what a bummer. is there anything under the lemon law you can enforce, dear?
I think my account is set to expire on the 19th and I don't think I'll bother to renew. I haven't done much in the way of blogging lately but if that changes, it'll probably appear here: http://iamsorin.blogspot.com/
gee whiz, you're not having a good go of things, are you? *hug*
yay for sorin!

love miao!! biggrin
Merry Christmas!
I do hope your Christmas was merry.

No white Christmas here, so no danger of having to dig out the car. Apparently it only snows on Christmas ~12% of the time in my area.
I've resisted the whole big stereo system / HDTV / home theater bandwagon for a long time now. The last "stereo" I owned was in high school, and that was just a basic all in one bookshelf thing. Since then, I've been listening to music and watching movies on my computer, which hasn't been bad at all, really. I've generally preferred to have bookshelves instead...
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Three of us at work have birthdays one after the other. One of these people was pointing out to me that, if you count in hex, I just turned 20.

You know you're starting to feel old when you count your age in base-16.
Ever have one of those days where you can't even make half decent Mac & Cheese?

Work was spent unproductively phone screening and interviewing non-candidates.
The DVD drive in my Mac Mini has decided it would rather be a circular saw. This would be the second drive in 6 months to undertake this change of function. (Maybe it's a hint I should watch better movies?)...
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Ah, the irony of your tagline. tongue
It's official: Barak Obama is our next president!

This is the first election I've really put my energy, time, and money into. Obama is the first candidate in my adult life that has inspired such hope and unity in general, and inspired me personally to really get involved.

I was nervous about how this election would go. I got more and more excited as the...
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