The whole ruling today in the Supreme Court over Hobby Lobby and other "closely-held corporations" being able to deny birth control based on their religious beliefs is such an epic shit storm that my already taxed mental and emotional processing can't even begin to fathom it. There is little bits of good amidst this though. Those would be things like Ruth Bader Ginsburg's excellent dissent over this ruling, and Jezebel's fantastic op piece on how apparently women aren't people (but corporations are).
"Approving some religious claims while deeming others unworthy of accommodation could be 'perceived as favoring one religion over another,' the very 'risk the [Constitution's] Establishment Clause was designed to preclude."
"If corporations aren't people then why can't I punch one in the fucking face?"
"It's not that women don't matter, it's that they matter measurably less than a corporation's 'conscience.'"
None of this is okay. These quotes from the two links above are helping me deal a bit though. That and Jezebel's closing statement, because I agree wholeheartedly:
Others are hopeful that this case, the judicial abortion that I sincerely believe that it is, will galvanize women (and men) who don't like their bosses all up in their shit to actually vote this November.
Your boss can't stop you from doing that.