Just watched this. There are tears in my eyes from laughing so hard and so long. That could be the sleep deprivation talking, but I'm pretty sure it is actually just that funny. I don't even get drunk, really never, but this was magical and makes it look like a blast. Personally, I'm not that fun when I'm drunk. I know some people who are. I'm going to stop rambling and post the video now. LOVE!

Thank you! We're not going to starve (luckily, my wife has a well-paying job) and perverse as I am, I do see the management side of it, as they're trying to keep the company (a for-profit university with, as it turns out, a less-than-perfect business model) afloat. But loyalty only goes so far, and much as I hate looking for another job, that's what I'm doing now. Thank you for the good wishes...and don't call me mister, ma'am! ;-)
Well that's ok, and I do that myself sometimes. As long as it's no subtle ageism ;-)