AHHH! My ONE pair of jeans that fit just exploded on me. Heheh, ok, that doesn't sound right. Rather, they were wearing out, and tonight when I shifted my leg while sitting on the sofa they split from the inside of my left thigh half way around the back, out of nowhere!
hooowwwww? whyyyyyy?
so I guess I have no choice but to go shopping for new ones tomorrow. since I don't really have anything else to wear. And I was so hoping to put that off for another month or so... haha, oh well. tah!!!

so I guess I have no choice but to go shopping for new ones tomorrow. since I don't really have anything else to wear. And I was so hoping to put that off for another month or so... haha, oh well. tah!!!
heheh, that happens with me all the time!!! >.<
and no, im not gargantuan fat!! heheh...
but all my pants simply burst from my inner tights untill they reach my back!!!
anyway, long time no see!!!!