So, I totally have not had the best week so far. It's been quite bizarre, and throwing me off my groove. "dude, you threw off my groove!" (sorry, side note...) "beware the grooooooove." (last time, I swear. and for those of you who get that, bless you.)
For Starters. Randomly, out of the blue, on Sunday, I got bit, stung, poisoned, or something by some invisible stealth bug or worm of evil doominess, upon the back of my hand where it joins the wrist. This happened somewhere between getting out of my car with my arms really full in front of my folks house, dropping and picking up a bit of stuff in the front yard, and opening the front door with my wrist since my hands were too full. I dunno what it was, but HOLY MOSES!!! THAT HUUUUURRRRRRT! It started out kind of stingy itchy, and before I knew it actually had me in tears, with a rash up my arm, and the whole thing hurting up to my right boob. I went to the ER on my dad's urging, and we sat there for like 3 hours, me in agony, before that told me, whatever got me got me good, but since it wasn't systemic they could only give me another benadryl, some prednazone and some ultram for the pain. she also gave me a five day prescription of 600mg ibuprofen, and I supposed to take benadryl with it, 4 times a day. How is a person supposed to function on that.
Truth be told? It still hurts, too! Not as bad, but geez! And it look more like a burn than a bug bite, but who knows...?
Of course today, I also had a test I had no idea was happening, and never studied for. We'll see how that goes.
Still, through all this absolute ridiculousness, I had a badass presentation in one class, which felt good. I also got to go with my friend to pick up the new Nightwish cd, and it is soooo amazing! YOU MUST LISTEN TO IT!
genious. so thrilled for that show.
Now, I think I'm gonna shower, cuz I feel gross after walking about in sweatiness today, and I'm going to bed early. I have to get up early tomorrow to finish the paper I couldn't turn in Monday thanks to the bizzare run in with a bug. blerg.
Hope everyone else in SGland it doing swell, and has a lovely night, and sweetest dreams with flying machines, whenever they head to bed themselves.
Ciao, bellas.

(oh, below is the pic from the cover of my presentation. isn't it beautiful? I found it online, and love it. enjoy!)

For Starters. Randomly, out of the blue, on Sunday, I got bit, stung, poisoned, or something by some invisible stealth bug or worm of evil doominess, upon the back of my hand where it joins the wrist. This happened somewhere between getting out of my car with my arms really full in front of my folks house, dropping and picking up a bit of stuff in the front yard, and opening the front door with my wrist since my hands were too full. I dunno what it was, but HOLY MOSES!!! THAT HUUUUURRRRRRT! It started out kind of stingy itchy, and before I knew it actually had me in tears, with a rash up my arm, and the whole thing hurting up to my right boob. I went to the ER on my dad's urging, and we sat there for like 3 hours, me in agony, before that told me, whatever got me got me good, but since it wasn't systemic they could only give me another benadryl, some prednazone and some ultram for the pain. she also gave me a five day prescription of 600mg ibuprofen, and I supposed to take benadryl with it, 4 times a day. How is a person supposed to function on that.
Truth be told? It still hurts, too! Not as bad, but geez! And it look more like a burn than a bug bite, but who knows...?
Of course today, I also had a test I had no idea was happening, and never studied for. We'll see how that goes.
Still, through all this absolute ridiculousness, I had a badass presentation in one class, which felt good. I also got to go with my friend to pick up the new Nightwish cd, and it is soooo amazing! YOU MUST LISTEN TO IT!

Now, I think I'm gonna shower, cuz I feel gross after walking about in sweatiness today, and I'm going to bed early. I have to get up early tomorrow to finish the paper I couldn't turn in Monday thanks to the bizzare run in with a bug. blerg.
Hope everyone else in SGland it doing swell, and has a lovely night, and sweetest dreams with flying machines, whenever they head to bed themselves.
Ciao, bellas.

(oh, below is the pic from the cover of my presentation. isn't it beautiful? I found it online, and love it. enjoy!)

love bash