Sooo, haven't written much lately, obviously. But, HP5 roxered my boxers. It could be partly because where I saw it I had a live band, the Remus Lupins, play for us before the show, and I got to drink butterbeer while watching, but I think they also did a very good job with it. Yeah, there were a few things changed for the length of the filma and whatnot, and things they may have thought worked in the book but wouldn't necessarily in the movie, but the choices they made instead were sound and worked well in the film as a whole. So as a movie, expecially one based on a book, I enjoyed it thoroughly and thought it was great. Now I just can't wait to get my hands on the Seventh Book. It is a mix of dread and joy and excitement and sadness that swirls within my being at the thought of that book.
I am such a bookworm and adore stories. I get involved in them, and with something as big as Harry Potter, something that has been ongoing for so long, and been a story line I've had in my life for years now, when the end comes it's satisfying but at the same time a little sad. I have those moments with really good stories a lot. Because in truth, yeah the story ends but the characters don't and as humans they would keep going and have the rest of their lives, but that part isn't really the story, and isn't for us to see or read. Yet, when you find a character you love, or a whole ensemble, a world that you can just fall into and relish, that you become fascinated by, you want to know what happens next, even if this particular story is over. You don't want to say goodbye, yet. They are almost like companions to whatever else is going on in your life at that time, and losing them suddenly though really not THAT dramatic, has that little... "sigh...sniff" kind of moment.
That or I am waaaay to nerdy than what is good for me. Hopefully whoever is reading this understands what I mean though.
On to other things! I am making donuts! Yummm.... I know, exciting isn't it? There's going to be a butt ton of them. And I know you wish you could have some. But sadly, most of you can't. If ever we meet though, and I happen to have some, I will gladly share. ^___^
For those who do know me in person (all two of you, hee) you are welcome to some if you can get your butts over here to my folks place before they are all eaten. And you know my family... Still, they won't be ready for quite a while. That dough has to rise lots and lots, so as to be extra light and fluffy.
Now, I am off to actually do my babysitting duties. Love, peace, joy and good stuff to all yous guys.
I am such a bookworm and adore stories. I get involved in them, and with something as big as Harry Potter, something that has been ongoing for so long, and been a story line I've had in my life for years now, when the end comes it's satisfying but at the same time a little sad. I have those moments with really good stories a lot. Because in truth, yeah the story ends but the characters don't and as humans they would keep going and have the rest of their lives, but that part isn't really the story, and isn't for us to see or read. Yet, when you find a character you love, or a whole ensemble, a world that you can just fall into and relish, that you become fascinated by, you want to know what happens next, even if this particular story is over. You don't want to say goodbye, yet. They are almost like companions to whatever else is going on in your life at that time, and losing them suddenly though really not THAT dramatic, has that little... "sigh...sniff" kind of moment.
That or I am waaaay to nerdy than what is good for me. Hopefully whoever is reading this understands what I mean though.
On to other things! I am making donuts! Yummm.... I know, exciting isn't it? There's going to be a butt ton of them. And I know you wish you could have some. But sadly, most of you can't. If ever we meet though, and I happen to have some, I will gladly share. ^___^
For those who do know me in person (all two of you, hee) you are welcome to some if you can get your butts over here to my folks place before they are all eaten. And you know my family... Still, they won't be ready for quite a while. That dough has to rise lots and lots, so as to be extra light and fluffy.
Now, I am off to actually do my babysitting duties. Love, peace, joy and good stuff to all yous guys.

you have left me some of the best set comments i have ever seen. thank you
you are such a doll.

Too bad I'm up here in ol' Canada, because I would kill for a homemade donut right about now.